SW Inspirations Pulled from online websites
Last Update : 2009/03/25
This is a [rip/reuse] of a release news site modified to fit the needs of SW persons. It is impossible to download anything except jpeg samples from this site. Please DO NOT e-mail me asking where/how to download/buy anything mentioned on this site. Thanks -%20 |
_ | Title |
Date |
Reference |
_ | XXXX |
2000 |
Movies : '#' |
* | The 7th Voyage of Sinbad |
1958 |
** | 21-87 |
1964 |
Arthur Lipsett - "Many people feel that in the contemplation of nature and communication with other living things, that they become aware of some kind of...ah... force or something behind this apparent mask. Which we see in front of us." 03:30 "And then the people say this is good, let's have more of it. Your number is 21-87. Boy does this person really smile." 04:20 Princess Leia's holding cell on the Death Star is 21-87 |
* | 633 Squadron |
1964 |
* | 2001: A Space Odyssey |
1968 |
Movies : 'A' |
Movies : 'B' |
_ | Battle in Outer Space |
1960 |
Movies : 'C' |
Movies : 'D' |
* | The Dam Busters |
1955 |
Movies : 'E' |
Movies : 'F' |
_ | Flash Gordon : Space Soldiers |
1936 |
_ | Flash Gordon : Trip To Mars |
1938 |
_ | Flash Gordon : Conquers the Universe |
1940 |
_ | Forbidden Planet |
1956 |
_ | Foundation Series |
2000 |
Isaac Asimov
Movies : 'G' |
Movies : 'H' |
_ | The Hidden Fortress |
1958 |
Akira Kurosawa
Movies : 'I' |
* | Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. |
1966 |
Movies : 'J' |
_ | Jinz™ ningen Kikaid‰ |
1972 |
_ | John Carter of Mars : A Princess of Mars |
1917 |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
_ | John Carter of Mars : The Chessman of Mars |
1917 |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
_ | John Carter of Mars : The Gods of Mars |
1917 |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
_ | John Carter of Mars : The Warlord of Mars |
1917 |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
_ | John Carter of Mars : Thuvia, Maid of Mars |
1917 |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Movies : 'K' |
* | Kairyu daikessen |
1966 |
_ | Kakushi-toride no san-akunin |
1958 |
Movies : 'L' |
Movies : 'M' |
* | Metropolis |
1927 |
C3P0 is modeled on the robot
Movies : 'N' |
Movies : 'O' |
_ | The Outer Limits |
2000 |
S02E12 :
Movies : 'P' |
Movies : 'Q' |
Movies : 'R' |
_ | Rocket Robin Hood |
1969 |
The Ghost Pirates : Rocket Robin Hood is asked to escort Princess Leia of Jupiter to her destination on Saturn but encounters the legendary Flying Dutchman enroute. Friar Tuck and Will, along with the princess, are captured by the pirates and Robin must free them from their captors as well as find out the truth behind the supposedly ghost menaces.
Movies : 'S' |
* | Sabotage Agent |
1943 |
_ | Sanjuro |
1962 |
_ | The Searchers |
1956 |
_ | Seven Samurai |
2000 |
_ | Shichinin no samurai |
1954 |
C3PO's line "It seems we are made to suffer. It's our lot in life" is similar to what the farmers say about themselves. Also Luke Skywalker is similar to Kikuchiyo (raised/born to a farmer family but aspires to be a Jedi/samurai) and Katsushiro (young man who wants to become Obi-wan's/Kambei's disciple)
_ | Silent Running |
2000 |
Droid 04:30 Droid welding outside 07:30 Nobody cares. 17:50 Hallway 20:00
_ | Space 1999 |
1975.10.24 |
S01E02 : Force of Life -
_ | Space 1999 |
1975.11.14 |
S01E05 : Death's Other Dominion -
Movies : 'T' |
_ | THX 1138 |
1971 |
* | Tora! Tora! Tora! |
1970 |
_ | Triumph des Willens |
1935 |
Star Wars Award scene
* | Twelve O'Clock High |
1949 |
the scene where Han and Luke shoot down the TIE fighters from the Millenium Falcon after they escape from the Death Star
Movies : 'U' |
_ | Uchu daisenso |
1959 |
Movies : 'V' |
Movies : 'W' |
* | The Wizard of Oz |
1939 |
Movies : 'X' |
_ | Xia nu |
1969 |
Movies : 'Y' |
_ | Yojimbo |
1961 |
_ | Yusei oji |
1959 |
Movies : 'Z' |