General Info -
Release Info -
Production Info -
Viewing Info -
Response Info -
Miscellaneous Info
Frequently Asked Questions - General Info
What is "Thee Backslacpkping With Media"?
What is a documediamentary?
How could a User Defined Self Replicating Documediamentary produce itself?
What is/are the Rating/Parental Guidelines of/for 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What is the designation of 'PD' (Public Domain) for?
What is the designation of 'FE' (Fan Edit) for?
What is the designation of 'SC' (Support Creatives) for?
What/Who is %20?
What is the :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E:?
What is 'the backstroke of the west'?
What is the 'Revenge of the Sith - 133t trailer'?
What is Operation D-Elite?
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is a Sequel?
What film is mashed up in the Trailer?
Why is the DVD / disc file name 'PIRATESWEB'?
Where should comments/e-mail be sent?
Frequently Asked Questions - Release Info
What are the details of the DVD release?
What are the DVD Chapter titles?
What do the DVD menus look like?
What is that odd fonted subtitle? / What is Galactic Basic? / What is Aurebesh?
What is Chinglish? How was it created?
What does the DVD Cover & Disc look like?
What is the significance of the Intro TV?
What is the significance of the Intro Crawl?
What is the significance of the Intermission Trailer?
What does this DVD believe it is About 1-6?
What is the significance of the Preservation Quote in Trailer 00a?
What is the DVD_ROM content?
Frequently Asked Questions - Production Info
What hardware/software was used?
What material was used in "Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What material was used in the Commentary Track of "Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What material missed being incorporated into "Thee Backslacpkping With Media' but you should check out anyway?
What/Who influenced?
Frequently Asked Questions - Viewing Info
Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be watched/downloaded? >
Help for downloading/recompiling/expanding/burning 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Transcript be read?
How was 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' released?
How can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be rented or bought?
Will there be a physical release of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Where is the Dual-Layer Break Point?
Frequently Asked Questions - Response Info
What have people said about 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Reviews of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
What is a NoA? (Notification of Appropriation) How are they received?
What happened when %20 sent 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' to the Library of Congress and the United States Copyright Office?
What happened when %20 took 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' to the Open Video Conference?
What happened when %20 asked the label Illegal Art to release 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What happened when %20 asked the ForceCast to review 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What happened when %20 replied to the Maxim Magazine request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
What happened when %20 replied to the Epoch Times request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
What happened when %20 link contacted the bloggin' backstrokers on Sept. 24 to honor past Media Premieres?
What happened when %20 handed out nine copies w/ questionnaires at the io9.com meet up?
What happened when %20 handed out copies at the 'Star Wars In Concert'?
Is it true that 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is a StarWars-sploitation film?
Frequently Asked Questions - Miscellaneous Info
How do you pronounce 'Backslacpkping'?
%20 Honors C&D l33t Week with an interview with RotS l33t Trailer creator m4r(.
Please fill-out the :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E: Questionaire?
Please fill-out the 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Questionaire?
Is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' a Video MixTape (VMT)?
tBSWM Subway Posters
tBSWM Wallpaper
Please Help Celebrate Annual 'End of Recording' June 4th Backslacpkping Giving/Selling Day?
Chapter of the Week - Viewing Schedule - 2009.05 thru 2010.05
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' was produced for the memory/dedication of?
Public Assignments
Odd Facts
How long did the production of "Thee Backslacpkping With Media' take?
What Media (TV/Movie/Internet) personalities makes an appearances in 'The Backslacpkping with Media'?
Why did 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Trailer not meet the criteria for the Official Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge hosted by Atom Films and Lucas Films Limited?
Why is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' not in the LucasFilm Ltd. Star Wars fan movie library?
What is Thee next project by %20 & :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E:?
Has 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' been reviewed by tOftMoGITC?
How has the 'Support Creatives' initiative helped the creator of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Where should comments/e-mail be sent?
List of FAQ Changes
.NFO graphic for "Thee Backslacpkping With Media"
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What is "Thee Backslacpkping With Media"?
A documediamentary (pseudo-analytical narrative) of the media coverage of the movie Star Wars Episode III "Revenge of the Sith".
A response to the 'backstroke of the west' subtitles, 133t Trailer censoring and Elite Torrent takedown.
But also hopefully a seed for an alternative type of media interaction.
What is a documediamentary?
A documediamentary is a combination of documentary and media analysis. A presentation which focuses on media portrayals of news or entertainment topics. In this case, a really boring three and a half hours.
How could a User Defined Self Replicating Documediamentary (UDSRD) produce itself?
To gain a better understanding of the history which is being produced, media programming which has been re-edited to user defined parameters could be beneficial. Utilizing media repositories (online video archives like archives.org or youtube) which have video/audio media linked to transcipts which could be parsed to produce a redefined output. For instance, if the user wanted to learn how a certain term was being used, over a certain time frame and to see how this usage differs between news casts verses user created content. Two pieces, of user determined length, could be self generated.
Another example could be if someone wanted further explanation on the evolution of a news story. After watching the 6 o'clock news, which often has little depth on any topic, an individual could ask this system to recreate a wikipedia entry of the evolving news story by using the previous media broadcasts.
These systems could also be used for near instantaneous fact-checking.
What is/are the Rating/Parental Guidelines of this presentation? (All of the below)
TV:Y | All Children |
TV:Y7 | Directed to Older Children |
TV:Y7:FV | Directed to Older Children - Fantasy Violence |
G | General Audiences - All Ages Admitted |
TV:G | General Audience |
PG | Parental Guidance Suggested - Some material may not be suitable for children - Mild Language, Crude Humor and Some Thematic Elements |
TV:PG | Parental Guidance Suggested |
PG-13 | Parents Strongly Cautioned - Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13 |
TV:14 | Parents Strongly Cautioned |
NC-17 | No one 17 and under admitted |
TV:MA | Mature Audience Only |
R | Restricted - Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian |
What is the designation of 'FE' (Fan Edit) for?
A fan edit is an alternative version of a film or piece of media which is created not by the copyright owner but by an individual or group who has a different interpretation of the original work. Fan edits realign story elements, remove or add footage, alter dialog, expand/remove special effects, re-edit/recontextualize film elements into an assemblage which tells a different story.
What/Who is %20?
%20 is the hexadecimal (hex code) equivalent of pressing the space bar (blank).
%20 is the moniker of a plunderphonic glitch noise media manipulator.
%20 is a self proclaimed 'Consumer Whore' - 'Corporate Shill' - 'Wannabee Cultural Chimera'.
[ See http://www.noneinc.com/sound/ for more info ]
What is the :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E:?
Flimsiplast is the flexible digital paper in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
The :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E: is a loose connection of individuals with the goal of collecting all media mentions of The Star Wars.
The ficticious name of the forthcoming Star Wars only video channel.
[ See http://www.noneinc.com/Archive/FlimsiplastDatabase/ for more info ]
What is 'the backstroke of the west'?
episode iii, the backstroke of the west (BotW) is the subtitled title given by an unknown supposed chinese bootlegger to a Shanghai bootleg DVD version of Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. In bootleg, the awkwardly English Subtitles been has attributed to a english naieve subtitler supposedly who learned chinese subtitles and irrelevantly reconversed them in to (Ch)english.
[ See http://www.winterson.com/2005/06/episode-iii-backstroke-of-west.html for more info ]
What is the 'Revenge of the Sith - 133t trailer'?
The Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 133t trailer is a fan edit of the Official Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith trailer which included burned in subtitles which interpreted the trailer's dialog into 133t sp33k. 133t Sp33k (Leetspeak - Elite Speak) is a character replacement alphabet supposedly used by h4xx0rz (hackers) but most likely is a system perpetuated by alternative typing enthusiasts. A Cease & Desist from Lucasfilm Ltd. on 4/25/2005 applied the legal pressure which resulted in the website http://nuar.lunarpages.com/video/SW_mirrors.htm removing the content.
[ See http://nuar.lunarpages.com/video/SW_mirrors.htm for more info ]
What is Operation D-Elite?
Operation D-Elite was a joint venture of the F.B.I. and U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement against the individuals behind the bit torrent tracker, EliteTorrents. The action was caused by the early released workprint of Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, which was tracked by EliteTorrents. This workprint would eventually become the backdrop for 'the backstroke of the west' subtitler. The individuals behind the leaked workprint and the operators of the torrent tracker have been sentenced to prison, home arrest and fines.
[ See http://www.ice.gov/pi/news/newsreleases/articles/starwars052505.htm for more info ]
[ See http://www.archive.org/details/ICE_EliteTorrents_May2005 for more info ]
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is a Sequel?
In the September 27, 2005 MPAA Press Release "U.S. Attorney Charges Star Wars Movie Thieves", Dan Glickman (Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc.) proclaimed "There will be no sequel in their charade."
Press Release PDF : http://www.mpaa.org/press_releases/2005_09_27b.pdf
%20 Unfortuantely presents 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' as thee sequel in this charade. %20 would also like to pose the question: "When the spread of knowledge/information is the center piece, can 700+ willful copyright infringements pass as a valid form of education/dissemination?
What film is mashed up in the Trailer?
The Trailer is a cross-cut-collage of Henry Hills' experimental film "Money" with '$' Chapter 9 of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'.
Quote : "MONEY (1985) is an historical document of the early day of "language poetry" and the downtown improvised music scene."
[ See http://www.henryhills.com/films/money.html for more info ]
Why is the DVD / disc file name 'PIRATESWEB'?>
In reference to 20th Century Fox's policy of code naming the DVD releases of movies after female names, (Revenge of the Sith was code named 'Charlotte') on some message boards the disc was incorrectly associated to the name Charlotte's Web. So in reference to this ephemeral the disc has been named 'PIRATESWEB'. This rumored 'PIRATESWEB' versions is Region 6 - China.
Where should comments/e-mail be sent?
E-mail Address : p-l-1-x-@-e-a-r-t-h-l-i-n-k-.-n-e-t (pee el one ex)
Subject Heading : tBSWM (other subject headings will most likely be filtered out)
What are the details of the DVD release?
Release Date | 2009/04/01 |
Theater Date | Never |
DVD | 2009/04/01 |
DVD Runtime | 03:26:18 |
Aspect Radio | 4:3 / 16:9 Menus |
Language | Chinese / English |
Resolution | 640 x 480 / 720 x 480 Menus |
Video | NTSC |
Audio | AC3 - PCM |
Framerate | 29.97 VFR |
Subtitles |
Ch / n /
GB / En /
Translation | babelfish.altavista.com |
Region | TBSWM = ALL / PIRATESWEB = 6 |
| |
Film Genre | Documentary / Media Analysis |
Filesize | 7.78 GB |
Disc Type | DVD*DL |
Trailer | Yes |
Bonus Features | Yes |
Menus | Yes / Animated |
Source | Analog (VHS) / Digital (PDTV) / Web (Misc.) |
Capture Equip | Sony SLV-779HF - Magnavox 1988 - Aiwa VX-S13 - Sony DCR-PC100 - Others Unknown |
Packet | 156*50MB*5 |
Posted to | alt.binaries.starwars |
Freer Culture | Yes Please |
Public Domain | Yes |
Creative Commons | CC0 1.0 Universal |
Public Domain | Still Yes |
What are the DVD Chapter titles?
Thee Backslacpkping With Media - DVD Chapter Titles / Sections
Note : Chapters with 'Play' option, open in a new window and utilizing an Archive.org media player should be viewable on most systems.
Note : Chapters with 'Play+' will work the same way, but once the chapter ends if you click on the video the player will automatically move to the next chapter.
Note : .Ogv is the Ogg codec video file type. Theora encoded by Archive.org. Original self encoded .ogg in a new window.
00. | --:00:00:00 - --:01:00:00 | Introduction Video : One Minute Explanation and Initial Responses (Web Only) | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
00.a1 | --:01:00:00 - --:02:00:00 | Trailer 00a1 : We allow million of these voices to be suddenly silenced. (Web Only) | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
01. | 00:00:00:00 - 00:00:11:12 | Long : "Long time ago in the faraway galaxy" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
02. | 00:00:11:13 - 00:01:13:10 | Intro Explanation : "The Backslacpkping With Media" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
03. | 00:01:13:11 - 00:02:49:11 | Crawls : "Remember the chills..." :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
04. | 00:02:49:12 - 00:06:29:14 | Narrative, Montage : "How you tell stories" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
05. | 00:06:29:15 - 00:07:34:17 | Siths (Talking Heads) : "Wall to wall, Star Wars... Action!" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
06. | 00:07:34:18 - 00:09:28:17 | Jar-Jar : "I'm just happy we're never going to see" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
07. | 00:09:28:18 - 00:16:26:03 | Hype : "Can't Wait" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
07a. | 00:10:27:11 - 00:15:19:02 | Fan Lines VS Perception : "Die hard fans or super nerds" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
08. | 00:16:26:04 - 00:18:29:22 | More Siths (Filmatic) : "Blynth+" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
08a. | 00:17:12:24 - 00:17:56:00 | Hayden Christensen Intro : "Hayden Christensen" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
09. | 00:18:29:23 - 00:21:25:17 | $ : "Gazillions" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
10. | 00:21:25:18 - 00:22:00:21 | Epitome Strikes Backward (Striking Epitome) : "It could even surpass Empire" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
11. | 00:22:00:22 - 00:26:42:11 | Darth Vader : "...only as good as the villian" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
12. | 00:26:42:12 - 00:31:10:28 | Politics Mis-Reporting : "I'm tired of all this...politicseses" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
13. | 00:31:10:29 - 00:34:35:17 | DV/Toys/Yoda : "Why can't you be real?" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
14. | 00:34:35:18 - 00:45:41:08 | Hayden's Fame-enting : "Pretty good for me" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
15. | 00:45:41:09 - 00:48:48:11 | DV's Suit Hayden Transformation : "The Return of Anakin in the Suit" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
16. | 00:48:48:12 - 01:00:44:06 | Five Hundred and One Stormtroopers : "Five - oh - One" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
17. | 01:00:44:07 - 01:02:27:16 | Geek Solo Star Han Trek Brand : "doesn't/didn't really have a..." | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
18. | 01:02:27:17 - 01:10:29:00 | Chewbacca : "Ladies & Gentleman (Why is this taking so long?) | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
19. | 01:10:29:01 - 01:14:49:27 | Character Marketing & Impersonations : "Without having seen the films, I knew..." | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
20. | 01:14:49:28 - 01:18:59:21 | William's Music : "..to create melodic identification for such a glossary..." | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
21. | 01:18:59:22 - 01:22:45:27 | Gay Droid Expo : "The hobby is out of the closet" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
22. | 01:22:45:28 - 01:26:01:02 | Induced Drug Moments : "I'm drinking my way to the Dark Side" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
23. | 01:26:01:03 - 01:26:57:09 | Short Trip to the Dark Side : "I didn't know I had a Dark Side" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
24. | 01:26:57:09 - 01:42:20:18 | The Lightsaber : "This is the lightsaber scene, right?" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
25. | 01:42:20:18 - 01:44:38:24 | Larger View of Censoring Obscenities : "George you can type this shit but you can't say it" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
26. | 01:44:38:25 - 01:47:26:10 | Trailered Intermission : "crapXXor! We got pwn3d!!!1!" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
27. | 01:47:26:10 - 01:58:27:26 | Downloading/Pirating/Those Fans : "It was a dream of people like George" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
28. | 01:58:27:27 - 02:03:14:08 | Hair Leia : "I love the hair... Who doesn't" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
29. | 02:03:14:09 - 02:06:21:20 | Made for Crossing Cultural Boundaries : "because everyone goes" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
30. | 02:06:21:21 - 02:08:03:18 | Sick : "I wouldn't miss the new Star Wars for anything!" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
31. | 02:08:03:19 - 02:14:10:21 | Sex : "RISE!" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
32. | 02:14:10:22 - 02:23:27:26 | Line Life and Beyond : "Not too much to report" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
33. | 02:23:27:27 - 02:26:08:21 | Sith Who : "I'm all mixed up, upstairs" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
34. | 02:26:08:22 - 02:29:21:12 | Extreme Fan : "I think that guy said it all" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
35. | 02:29:21:13 - 02:32:06:06 | Opening Intro's New Hope Impact : "Everyone in that theater just went WWOOOOAA" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
36. | 02:32:06:07 - 02:39:40:27 | Tragic Backstory Cross Endeavour Independence : "I was able to get the full range of all the things that we're going on" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
36a. | 02:38:37:07 - 02:39:40:27 | More Sithing : "...but I can't imagine anyone else being interested" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
37. | 02:39:40:28 - 02:51:01:14 | At and In the Theaters : "at 12:01" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
38. | 02:51:01:14 - 02:54:06:25 | MTFBWY : "and with you, as well" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
39. | 02:54:06:26 - 02:57:43:08 | Geek : "Are you proud to be a Star Wars..." | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
40. | 02:57:43:09 - 03:00:09:04 | Women Online / Female Involvement : "I move to the previous question" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
41. | 03:00:09:05 - 03:01:06:18 | Media Questioning : "OK, I have no idea what your talking about" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
42. | 03:01:06:19 - 03:06:30:27 | Generational Fan Bases : "I never payed much attention to it until..." | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
43. | 03:06:30:27 - 03:11:08:01 | Space Cowboy/Opera/Myth : "It's the fairy tale for our time" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
44. | 03:11:08:02 - 03:13:01:09 | I am your father : "I am your mother" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
45. | 03:13:01:10 - 03:14:43:10 | Seeing Again ... the One Six : "You'll be asking those questions" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
46. | 03:14:43:11 - 03:20:14:21 | How many films? : "One complete story" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
47. | 03:20:14:22 - 03:22:29:19 | Outro : "Especially Mine! Yes/No" | Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
48. | 03:22:29:20 - 03:26:18:11 | Credits : "I don't know about you, but I have a shelf" | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
What do the menus look like? (click for full size)
: The Great Firewall of the People's Republic of China : Modifying your Digital Versatile Disc Menus : is a Posse, Stealing your star wars :
What is that odd fonted subtitle? / What is Galactic Basic? / What is Aurebesh?
Galactic Basic is the commonly used language of the Star Wars Universe. Galactic Basic is authored using the Aurebesh font.
What is Chinglish? How was it created?
The Chinglish (Chinese variations of English) in 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' were created by running the Chinese transcript through Altavista's Babelfish translation system.
What does the DVD Cover, Disc & Insert look like?
Cover perspective courtesy of fanedits.com.
What is the significance of the Intro TV?
What is the significance of the Intro Crawl?
Honoring a grand tradition, 'Thee Backsplacpkping with Media' incorporates a perspective dissolving expositionary intro. Fortunately the various bootlegs of the cultures which found this documediamentary have manipulated the intro to suit their needs.
The 3 hour 23 minutes presentation is divided into 384 '31 sec : 22 frame' segments laid out in a grid of 12x32. Thus if your into saving time, watching the scroll is like getting the visual cliff notes version of the backslacpkping.
Authorized for distribution through the Great Golden Shield : to be sold at man stands down tank Square
What is the significance of the Intermission Trailer?
The Intermission of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' contains a fan theatrical interpretation of the Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Trailer. The subtitles are from the fan produced 'Revenge of the Sith - 133t Trailer'.
[ See What is the 'Revenge of the Sith - 133t trailer'? for more info ]
What does this DVD believe it is About 1-6?
1. Documediamentary:
A cross between a documentary and a media analysis. This project attempts to provide a different perspective on the recorded perception of the lead up to Revenge of the Sith. The media we consume has a peer review process which is limited. Society is inundated with a healthy variety of choices, but there seems to be a lack of reflection upon what we are being streamed. I hope others are given the chance to produce similarly constructed pieces which investigate how topics are portrayed in the media coverage. This kind of examination will not occur from the primary media producers. Technology in the form of computer, time-shifted television and other media recording devices will fascilitate productions of media creativity (through introspection by the previously passive audience, transformed into active media participant) the ideals of Permission Copyright Reform needs to be addressed.
2. Copyright Reform: "Permissions"
Much of the current state of copyright, pioneered by corporate interests of the United States, can be viewed as a lost cause. The twentieth century will be remembered for the continuous expansion of restrictions (in 20+ year additive increments, until they surpassed an individuals life span) and the loss of the Public Domain. For anything to be remixed, reused, reincorporated or reinterpreted, the creator or proxi-owner must give their permission. (Even if it is a project to be viewed only by yourself in your own home) Proxi-owners rarely have the time or patience to honestly consider these requests. Our culture's health has stagnated through this lack of introspection.
If these reuse requests are of hinderance to creators or proxi-owners then maybe an organizational body in the Copyright Office could review these permission concerns.
3. Edit Speech
Society finds itself with the capability to make an audio/video quotation, as easy to complete and diseminate, as a textual quotation. 'Edit Speech' is a method of communication which deserves a layer of protection, either under the Fair Use doctrine or a new inspired set.
Edit Speech is not about the reproduction of statements, but the creative reworking of existing speech fragments to derive new meanings/view points. The position in which one sentence fragment finds itself, after the act of editing, can change it's meaning and this is where Edit Speech finds its purpose.
Although it may seem to be a luxury, Edit Speech in conjunction with translation technologies, will promote discourse between disparate cultures, which will be invaluable to every generation.
4. Cross Culture:
Through inter-connectivity and some forms of globalization, disparate countries are able to view the cultural expressions of other countries. In this case, George Lucas's "Revenge of the Sith" found its way into the hands of an active subtitler with Chinese sensibilities. The resultant, "Backstroke of the West", provided an interesting view point into the mindset of cross cultural currents. Although the creator remained unknown and the desired goal highly debatable, BotW provided a view into the larger Chinese cultural landscape.
Excitement, at least in some online forums, was tremendous. And interest continued until the subtitles were transposed onto the official RotS DVD. This interaction of 'Western' (Sith-i-sized) media and BotW subtitles, will no doubt lead to a better understanding of the disparate cultures, although each seemed equally absurd at first impression.
5. Media Understanding:
Dissemination of ideas through visual and audio means has progressed since its infancy. Black and white cinema gave way to talkies, which progressed to television broadcasts on a handful of channels to cables' thousands of channels.
In a media landscape where one minute of hard factual news is sprinkled through days worth of newsfauxotainment, entertainment programming, honest commercial time and Value-added cinema (product placement), the casual searcher of hard facts is at a great loss in this vast sea of information.
Changing medias' output towards more factual means would lose some of its vibrancy, instead providing tools which allow the searcher added filtering capabilities is what the future of tv could be.
6. Future TV - User Defined Broacasts
For those looking for a closer examination, the technologicallly supported Edit Speech can provide further insight into todays world. Within years, programs which recontextualize media into new presentations (which 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' attempts to represent) could be commonplace. With the combination of cable/satellite/internet tv feeds, auto-transcribling services, free online video storage, and search engines; programs will be created which will sort and collate this audio/video information into self generating, user defined, goal oriented programming.
Imagine after watching the 6 o'clock news, your not understanding what lead to the latest predicament, so you queue up the program which feeds the last 50 years worth of that 6 o'clock news and cross references those broadcasts with an encyclopedia entry on the topic of choice. The program then recreates that encyclopedia entry using the news' broadcasts.
This basic type of media interaction as with many others could take place with the creation of User Defined Broadcasts.
What is the significance of the Preservation Quote in Trailer 00a?
In the recorded time frame, The American Film Institute (AFI) awarded George Lucas with an honor and during the broadcast the following quote was attributed to Mr. Lucas.
Quote: "I am very concerned about our natural heritage, and I am very concerned that films that I watched when I was young and the films that I watched throughout my life are preserved, so that my children can see them." -George Lucas"
Because %20 has existed at a different time and place where films have a modified stature then in the time of Mr. Lucas, the quote has been amended in Trailer 00a to reflect %20's sensibilities. Plus %20 is not a breeder.
Quote: "I am very concerned about our natural heritage, and I am very concerned that television : internet video : holocrons that I watched when I was young and the television : internet video : holocrons that I watched throughout my life are preserved, so that society can see : search : rework them." -%20"
What is the DVD_ROM content?
------ stylesheet.css
------ tBSWM_FAQ.html
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------ tBSWM-Images
--------- Censor-Mi.jpg
--------- Censor-Yu.jpg
--------- Documediamentary-Flowchart.jpg
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What hardware/software was used?
VCRs | Magnavox 1988 (R.I.P. Dec. 12, 1988 - April 22, 2006), Aiwa VX-S13, Sony SLV-779HF |
Camera | Sony DCR-PC100 MiniDV Camera |
Computers | PowerMacG4, PowerMacG5, Dell Dimensions XPS 667r |
Operating Systems | Mac OS9, OSX, WinXP |
Video Conversion | SUPER, MediaCoder, Total Video Converter, StoikVideoConverter, VirtualDub, WinAVI Video Converter, pspVideo9, Flash to Video Encoder Pro, TVC, Replay Media Catcher, WinMPG VideoConvert, OSEx, Clip Creator, DiVA, DVDxDVDProTrial, SnapzProX, VLC, Quicktime, ffmpeg, bbDEMUX, Windows Media Player |
Video Editing | iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere |
DVD Production | DVD Studio Pro, Compressor, Roxio Toast |
Graphic Processing | Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe After Effects |
Audio Production | Soundtrack Pro, Audio Hijack |
Subtitle Production | DVD Studio Pro, Simple Text, NotePad, Microsoft Word, TextEdit |
Info Gathering | Netscape, FireFox, Safari, Windows Explorer, Azureus, Bit Torrent, usenet |
ASCII | ASCII Generator |
What material was used in "Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Good Morning America, ABC, May 19, 2005.
This Week, ABC, May 29th, 2005.
Access Hollywood, XX, May 12th, 2005.
Access Hollywood, XX, May 14th, 2005.
Animal Planet Ad, May, 2005.
Burger King TV Commercial (Chewy), May X, 2005.
Burger King TV Commerical (Vader), May X, 2005.
Burger King TV Commercial (Stormtrooper), May X, 2005.
Cingular TV Commercial, May X, 2005.
Pepsi TV Commercial, May XX, 2005.
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Movie Commercial (Critics), May X, 2005.
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Movie Commercial (Destroy Sith), May X, 2005.
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Movie Commercial (Sith Happens), May X, 2005.
The Science of Star Wars "Space Cowboys" TV Commercial, Discovery, May X, 2005.
M&M TV Commercial, May X, 2005.
Animal Icon's "Star Wars Creatures", Animal Planet, May X, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, May 9th, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, May 10th, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, May 11th, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, May 24th, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, May 29th, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, May 31st, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, June 1st, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, June 3rd, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, June 7th, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, June 8th, 2005.
Attack of the Show, G4, June 10th, 2005.
Business Week, XX, May 29th, 2005.
CBS News XX, CBS, May 18th, 2005.
CBS News XX, CBS, May 19th, 2005.
The Early Show, CBS, May 18th, 2005.
The Early Show, CBS, May 19th, 2005.
CBS News XX, CBS, May 19th, 2005.
CBS News XX, CBS, May 21st, 2005.
CBS News Local, CBS, May 15th, 2005.
CBS News Local, CBS, May 18th, 2005.
CBS News Local, CBS, May 19th, 2005.
CBS News PM, CBS, May 21th, 2005.
Sunday Morning, CBS, May 29th, 2005.
Today, CBS, May 16th, 2005.
CNBC, CNBC, May 19th, 2005.
Wake Up Call, CNBC, May 19th, 2005.
CNN, CNN, May 22nd, 2005.
CNN, CNN, May 26th, 2005.
CNN XX, CNN, May 26th, 2005.
American Morning, CNN, May 19th, 2005.
Anderson 360, CNN, May 19th, 2005.
Headline News, CNN, May 20th, 2005.
Headline News AM, CNN, May 21th, 2005.
Conan, XX, May 13th, 2005.
Conan, XX, May 18th, 2005.
Conan, XX, May 19th, 2005.
Conan, XX, May 20th, 2005.
Conan, XX, May ??th, 2005.
The Science of Star Wars "Space Cowboys", Discovery, May X, 2005.
Behind the Scenes, E!, May ??, 2005.
Summer Movie Magic, E!, May ??, 2005.
Ebert & Roeper, XX, May 14th, 2005.
Ebert & Roeper, XX, May 29th, 2005.
Ellen, XX, May XX, 2005.
Entertainment Tonight, XX, May 21st, 2005.
Entertainment Tonight, XX, May 19th, 2005.
Extra!, XX, May 19th, 2005.
Fox & Friends, Fox News, May 19th, 2005.
Fox & Freinds, Fox News, May 20th, 2005.
Good Day NY, Fox, May 18th, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, May 15th, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, May 18th, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, May 21st, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, May 28th, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, May 30th, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, June 5th, 2005.
cavuto, Fox News, May 21st, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, May 18th, 2005.
Fox News AM, Fox, May 20th, 2005.
Fox News Live, Fox, May 20th, 2005.
Fox News Local, Fox, May 2X, 2005.
Fox News Local, Fox, May 15th, 2005.
Fox News Local, Fox, May 18th, 2005.
Fox News Local, Fox, May 21st, 2005.
Fox News Local, Fox, May 22nd, 2005.
Fox News Local AM, Fox, May 16th, 2005.
Fox News Local AM, Fox, May 19th, 2005.
Fox News Local AM, Fox, May 20th, 2005.
Fox News Local AM, Fox, May 23rd, 2005.
Fox News Local Noon, Fox, May 20th, 2005.
Fox News Local PM, Fox, May 20th, 2005.
Fox News Noon, Fox, May 18th, 2005.
Filter, G4, May XX, 2005.
Players, G4, May XX, 2005.
XPlay, G4, May XX, 2005.
Electric Playground, G4, May XX, 2005.
Icons, G4, May XX, 2005.
Good Morning America, XX, May 19th, 2005.
Hannity & Combs, Fox News, May 18th, 2005.
Showbiz Tonight, CNN Headline News, May 16th, 2005.
Headline Prime, CNN, May 20th, 2005.
Star Wars Special, HSN, May XX, 2005.
Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC, May 17th, 2005.
Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC, May 18th, 2005.
Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC, May 20th, 2005.
Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC, May 28th, 2005.
The Late Show with Craig Furgueson, CBS, May 13th, 2005.
The Late Show with Craig Furgueson, CBS, May 16th, 2005.
The Late Show with Craig Furgueson, CBS, May 19th, 2005.
The Late Show with Craig Furgueson, CBS, May 27th, 2005.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, May 19th, 2005.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, May 20th, 2005.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, May 2Xth, 2005.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, May 24th, 2005.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, May 26th, 2005.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC, May 27th, 2005.
Late Night with David Letterman, CBS, May 16th, 2005.
Late Night with David Letterman, CBS, May 17th, 2005.
Late Night with David Letterman, CBS, May 18th, 2005.
Late Night with David Letterman, CBS, May 19th, 2005.
Late Night with David Letterman, CBS, May 20th, 2005.
MSNBC, MSNBC, May 18th, 2005.
MSNBC, MSNBC, May 21st, 2005.
MSNBC at the Movies, MSNBC, May 21st, 2005.
Countdown, MSNBC, May 20th, 2005.
Entertainment, MSNBC, May 15th, 2005.
Entertainment, MSNBC, May 28th, 2005.
Right Now, MSNBC, May 21st, 2005.
Scarborough, MSNBC, May 20th, 2005.
MTV Movie Awards, MTV, May XX, 2005.
NBC, NBC, May 18th, 2005.
NBC, NBC, May XX, 2005.
NBC, (Voyager Segment), NBC, May XX, 2005.
NBC News Local PM, NBC, May 20th, 2005.
NBC News, NBC, May 19th, 2005.
NBC News, NBC, May 20th, 2005.
NBC News Local PM, NBC, May 20th, 2005.
NBC News Local PM, NBC, May 22nd, 2005.
NBC Nightly News, NBC, May 22nd, 2005.
Today, NBC, May 19th, 2005.
Today, NBC, May 17th, 2005.
News Hour, PBS, May 19th, 2005.
The O.C., Fox, May 10th, 2005.
Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, May 18th, 2005.
Star Wars Special, QVC, May XX, 2005.
Saturday Night Live, NBC, May 21st, 2005.
Teen Kids News, CBS, May 29th, 2005.
Tony Danza, ABC, May XX, 2005.
UPN News, UPN, May 21st, 2005.
Best Week Ever, VH1, May 16th, 2005.
Best Week Ever, VH1, May 21st, 2005.
True Life, MTV, XX, 200X. (rerun)
Backstroke of the West (Subtitled), Chinese Bootleg DVD, May, 2005.
Star Wait, DVD, May XX, 2005.
Star Woids, May XX, 2005.
Lining Up TV "Fans Gone Wild", May XX, 2005.
Spat Gone Wild Volume 2, 2005.
George and Me, 2005. (omitted from DVD credits)
A Great Disturbance, 2005. (omitted from DVD credits)
Regis and Kelly, ABC, May XX, 2005.
NY Tru?, XXX, April 2nd, 2005.
Trailer, May XX, 2005.
Trailer, May XX, 2005.
Celebration 3 Day 2, April 22nd, 2005.
Orange TV Commercial, April 22nd, 2005.
JRA Show Episode 1, May 7th, 2005.
JRA Show Episode 2, May 8th, 2005.
Episode 8, May 12th, 2005.
JRA Show Episode 5, May 12th, 2005.
EWN, May 13th, 2005.
CBS News, CBS, May 14th, 2005.
Fox News, Fox, May 14th, 2005.
JRA Show Episode 6, May 14th, 2005.
UPN 9 News, UPN, May 14th, 2005.
ABC Eye Witness News, May 30th, 2005.
ABC Morning News, May 30th, 2005.
CNN Day Break, CNN, May 30th, 2005.
CNN News Night, CNN, May 30th, 2005.
Fox 5 Good Day New York, Fox, May 30th, 2005.
News Channel 4, May 30th, 2005.
NY1 End of the XX, May 30th, 2005.
NY1, May 30th, 2005.
NYC TV 25, May 30th, 2005.
WB 11 News at 20, May 30th, 2005.
Binside TV, June 1, 2005.
Jimmy Kimmel Live, May 19, 2005.
NYCTV Channel 25 Coverage, May 19, 2005.
NYLine: Episode 3 - The End of the Line - Video Homage by Dave Evans
Celebration 3 - Days, April 2005.
Matt Stover's Revenge of the Sith Book Tour, April 12, 2005.
Midnight Madness, April 2, 2005.
CNN on the big screen, May 19, 2005.
NBC Nightly News, May 19, 2005.
Episode III Video Game TV Commercial (Dodgeball), May, 2005.
Feel the Force, XX, May XX, 2005.
Total Request Live (TRL), MTV, May XX, 2005.
Generation Jedi, XX, May XX, 2005.
| .
Ziegfeld 3:30 AM Showing Documentary (the day before, the night of, the next morning)
Star Wars Fever
Star Wars Mini Documentary
Star Wars (14th Wedding Anniversary) Premiere
Star Wars Geek Documentary
VLOG (Ziegfeld Line)
Paris HIlton Spooning
Juggling Lightsabers
Lando Dr. Pepper Interview of One Man Star Wars' Charles Ross
Michael Rubin's Book DroidMaker
Patrick Kajirians Interview
Star Wars Fan Document
Star Wars in Albertsons
Star Wars Line Lunatic
Star Wars Mini Document
Star Wars Movie Theater
Star Wars Part 2
Star Wars Revenge of the
The Long Wait is Over
Waiting in Line for George Lucas
501 Cheer
501 Parade
MF.com Retard Aaron Knight's 10k Post
Empire Conga Line
Vader Line Under
Realm Toys Celebration 3 Coverage
Party Midgets.net at Celebration 3
Star Wars Wrong Line Escort from Grauman's to Arclight Video
Star Wars Live Orchestra
School Class Rappin' Star Wars Rap
Star Wars Galaxy "Join the Empire" Recruitment Ad
Star Wars Celebration 3 Fan Video
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Premiere - Dark Theater Lightsaber Fight
Celebration 3 Documentary
Darth Tater Commercial
Captain Bad Ass at the Star Wars Premiere
Star Wars Episode 3 The Video Game "Jedi Lighting" Commercial
High School Orchestra plays Star Wars
CJCTV, Court TV, May XX, 2005.
Evil Star Wars (Tool of Satan)
G4 E305 Live Day 4 Lucasarts
Obi Shawn
Star Wars Line
Revenge of the Sith LA Premiere
George Lucas at the AFI Tribute
Jason Mewes on Star Wars
Rick McCallum Interview
Star Wars Episode III - London Premiere
Yahoo Japan Interview, July 7th, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Q & A Interview, May XX, 2005.
Sunday Morning Herald - Hayden On Darth, March XX, 2005.
Sunday Morning Herald - Meet Darth Vader, March XX, 2005.
Interview, July 13, 2005.
Ohayou Asahi Desu, July 20th, 2005.
Hot Cinema, July 16, 2005.
Movie Delivery, July 15, 2005.
Doumo, July 12, 2005.
Move, July 12, 2005.
Mezamashi TV, July 11, 2005.
Cinema Voice, July 9, 2005.
Hot Cinema, July 9, 2005.
King's Brunch, July 9, 2005.
Mezamashi TV, July 8, 2005.
Zoom In TV, July 8, 2005.
Nanamaru, July 7, 2005.
Mezamashi TV, July 7, 2005.
Zoomin, July 5, 2005.
Eigo De Shabera Night Celeb Inter., July 2005.
Plus Press, July 2005.
E Max, June 2005.
Hollywood Express, June 2005.
Canal 13, May 2005.
Argentinean TV Show - Caiga Quien Caiga, May 27, 2005.
Journal de TF, May 18, 2005.
Vip Pass, May 18, 2005.
Coming Soon, May 2005.
Movie Plus, May 2005.
Tsutaya, 2005.
Entertainment Today GMTV, May 2005.
Live with Regis and Kelly, May 3, 2005.
Good Morning America, May 2, 2005.
ABC.Com Interview (GMA), May 2005.
Today Show Australia, March 21, 2005.
TRL UK, May 16, 2005.
Revenge of the SIth After Party - E News, May 15, 2005.
Entertainment Tonight, May 6, 2005.
Extra, May 6, 2005.
Total Request Live, May 2, 2005.
Entertainers, May 2005.
CTV News, May 2005.
Cartoon Network "Emotion Vader", May 2005.
Showbiz Tonight, March 17, 2005.
Entertainment Tonight, March 31, 2005.
Access Hollywood, March 2005.
Kid's Choice Awards, April 2, 2005.
Interview from Cannes : Revenge of the Sith, May 15, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Photocall at the Cannes Film Festival, May 15, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Press Conference at the Cannes Film Festival, May 15, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Hightlights from Cannes, May 15, 2005.
Japan Press Conference, July 6, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, May 15, 2005.
Redball Star Wars Grand Prix Party, May 21, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Berlin Premiere, May 17, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith London Premiere, May 16, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Interview from Cannes, May 15, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Premiere at Cannes: Direct Hotel Majestic Interview, May 15, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith Premiere at Cannes After Party, May 15, 2005.
Revenge of the Sith London Premiere : Paul O'Grady Show, May 2005.
For Katie, August 2005.
ZDF German Premiere, May 2005.
Star Wars M&M "Chocolate mPire" Commercial, 2005.
Japanese Police/Vader Beat Down
Edition Normandie French Premiere
Edition Bourgogne, May 19/20, 2005.
Japanese Special
Finger Saber Fight
Dance Sequence
Darth Vader Cris and Eats Pie
Office Space Wars
I'm a Nerd (Star Wars Version) Herbert Midgley, 2005
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Nerds, May 2005.
Celebration 3 Celebrities with LFL X-Wing
Orchestra Star Wars
Star Wars 3 Camera Phone Cam
Star Wars Retards
Star Wars Whores
Revelation from Celebration 3 - Star Wars Convention
MotF - The Sansweet Interview
KUSI News - Patrick Kajirian Interview
Star Wars in 30 Minutes Cast Interview
Star Wars 3.5 "Revenge of the Fans" Documentary
George Lucas Raped Our Childhood Live On Line
Lake FIght (Gay)
Geek Fantasies No.5
Revenge of the Sith London Premiere Bootleg (Intro, Beginning, End)
Kansas City Star Wars Event
OTB Pranksters Star Wars
JIdol Star Wars
Revenge of the Sith Premiere 3
Trial of Han Solo
Cannes Film Festival
Good Morning Live, ABC, May 19th, 2005.
Episode III Video Game TV Commercial (Dodgeball), May, 2005.
Celebration 3 GWL, , 2005.
Empire, XX, 2005.
Episode 3 - The Line People, May XX, 2005.
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Movie Commercial (Brothers), May X, 2005.
Celebration 3 Spectacular Bootleg Video, XX, 2005.
Entertainment Tonight, XX, 2005.
MCGMA, May XX, 2005.
heidarth_genvir, XX, May XX, 2005.
HPlM1373, XX, May XX, 2005.
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Movie Commercial (l337 Subtitles), May X, 2005.
lightsaberfork, May XX, 2005.
LineUp (QTVR), May XX, 2005.
mm3, May XX, 2005.
newwithsoundep3, XX, May XX, 2005.
NYC Line, May 18th, 2005.
page6, May XX, 2005.
SnappyPopCorn, May XX, 2005.
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Movie Commercial (Classic Space Knights), May X, 2005.
sso, May XX, 2005.
starwars0505, May XX, 2005.
SWE3, May XX, 2005.
Total Request Live (TRL), MTV, May XX, 2005.
Ziegfeld (QTVR), May XX, 2005.
Moviefone : Revenge of the Sith, May XX, 2005.
What material was used in Commentary Track of "Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What material missed being incorporated into "Thee Backslacpkping With Media' but you should check out anyway?
What/Who influenced?
originaltrilogy.com - Fans of the Original Trilogy gather to discuss the movies preservation and the latest Fan Edits
Rumori Mailing List - Discussion list for fans of appropriation.
Snuggles Mailing List - Online community of appreciators of sampling, collage and culture jamming. Known for projects like 'Droplift' and 'Free Speech for Sale'.
TV Carnage - is hundreds of hours of exceptionally bad TV lovingly fused together into glorious cesspools of retardation.
Concrete TV - is a NYC public access show of new and old video collage set to music.
Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be watched/downloaded?
Online Viewing - FAQ
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is now available to be watched through the FAQ's 'Chapter Section'.
The presentation can be viewed in its entirety (Play+) [not recommended] or by individual chapters (Play) [preferred].
Online Viewing - Archive.org
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is also available for viewing at: http://www.archive.org/details/Thee_Backslacpkping_With_Media
Note : Archive.org has other formats available. (.Ogv for example) And their embedded media player will automatically start playing the next chapter. Also the Large Mp4 files on Archive.org contain the Audio Commentary Second Audio Channel. BUT The large Mp4 files were created by ripping the DVD with very limited compression so in total they are double the size of the DVD. If you want to hear the audio commentary of a few chapters then downloading them from Archive.org is the way to go, if you would like the entire audio commentary track, downloading the full DVD is the best option.
Download DVD Option - Web
The full DVD can be downloaded from this website. You will need 16 gigs of free space on your harddrive.
(7.3 gigs of downloaded RAR files which expand to an 8 gig .IMG which is ready to watch or burn the DVD)
Type in the following link into your browser : : Address will change periodically.
Download all the RAR files then unarchive them. The result will be a file named TBSWM.IMG which can be burned with many DVD burning software.
DVD Rips - Bootlegs - Derivative Works
Full information on the various reinterpretations of this project can be found at: How was 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' released?
Help for downloading/recompiling/expanding/burning 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
If you are having problems feel free to e-mail : p-l-1-x-@-e-a-r-t-h-l-i-n-k-.-n-e-t (pee el one ex)
If you are successful i'd be happy to know how you did it.
Step 1 : Downloading RARs
The RAR format allows a file to be cutup & compressed into separate files so that certain restrictions can be overcome. (In this case, file size limit and downloadability) You will need to download all the RARs, there are tools available to automate this process.
Step 2 : Expanding from .RAR to .IMG(age)
Once all the RARs have been downloaded you will need an extractor to unarchive them. Visit http://www.rarlab.com/
Step 2a : Problem unarchiving RARs
If you get an error when unarchiving, check to make sure your RARs were downloaded correctly. All the RARs should be the same size, ~50 megs, except for the last RAR which is smaller. If this is the case, there are a set of PAR files available by e-mail which should be able to fix the errors. You will need a program like QuickPAR (PC) or MacPAR deLuxe (Mac)
Step 3a : Watching .IMG
The TBSWM.IMG file's contents should be viewable on PC, Mac or Linux systems. Point your media playing software to the VIDEO_TS folder of the IMG. Recommmended is Videolan's VLC Player.
Step 3b : Burning .IMG
The TBSWM.IMG file is a ready to burn file format which should work cross platform on PC applications like NERO or Mac applications like Toast. You will need DVD-DL (Dual Layer) media.
Step 4 : DVD Player Viewing
The burned DVD should be viewable in most players. Unfortunately one problem with the disc is that in English DVD Players the defaulted Chinese Subtitles do not show until asked for. So please turn on Chinese subs when viewing for the first time.
Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Transcript be read?
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Transcript can be read here : English - Chinese - Chingrish
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Audio Commentary Transcript can be read here : Unorganized Audio Commentary Transcript Notes
How has 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' been released?
Official 1. Homemade copies were mailed out. (red ink on disc) [Distribution - US Copyright Office (2) - Lucasfilm, Microsoft (returned), Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Wired Magazine - Media Creators (3) - SW Fans (5) - Friend (1) - Website (1)]
Official 2. Posted to alt.binaries.starwars.
Official 3. The .nfo & .nzb were forwarded to : alt.binaries.documentaries, alt.binaries.multimedia.documentaries, alt.binaries.multimedia.scifi, alt.binaries.multimedia.scifi-and-fantasy, alt.binaries.multimedia.chinese, alt.binaries.dvd.documentaries, alt.binaries.tv, alt.binaries.dvd, alt.binaries.dvdr, alt.binaries.multimedia.tv, alt.binaries.x
Official 4. The .nfo was posted to : alt.fan.starwars, fr.rec.arts.sf.starwars, pl.rec.fantastyka.starwars, tw.bbs.rec.starwars, alt.discuss.starwars, de.rec.sf.starwars, rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc
Official 5. A trackerless DHT torrent (Azureus client) was attempted but it fail'd.
Official 6. Currently testing out web distribution. See Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be watched/downloaded?
Official 7. Since the download version is difficult/complicated. Printed out 25 copies (CD slimline case versions, blue ink on disc) which i'll mail to whomever requests a copy to rent. See : Where should comments/e-mail be sent? Well 23 of these copies have been distributed at the Open Video Conference.
Unofficial : DVD Rips - Bootlegs - Derivative Works
'The Backslackpking with media' (sp)
torrent : demonoid
Size : 711.9MB
File Type : AVI
Highly compressed version of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' main feature to fit onto a CD. Although the title is misspelled, this gets the acknowledgement of being the first bootleg. No burned in subtitles, no extra features, no second audio.
The mp4's available from the FAQ's chapter section have the Chinese subtitles burned in and are approximately the same size. (the mp4s are ~960 megs) Plus, the FAQ's mp4s are individually packaged so you can take the chapters you appreciate. But with no extras and no alternative subtitles, the full DVD is the way to go.
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How can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be rented or bought?
The DVD version of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is available for rent. (25 homemade CD slimline case type have been printed) Please send back when done or contact me and i'll let you know who's next in the chain, and you can send it to them instead. Contact Info : Where should comments/e-mail be sent?
Will there be a physical release?
Anyone can burn their own. Don't know.
Where is the Dual-Layer Break Point?
Actual chapter 29. [Thematic chapter 27].
What have people said about 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
"This is going to be a travesty on all fronts."
"...the description of the project is a little "cryptic". The actual DVD is just as strange. From the moment the opening crawl ends, you get assaulted by a barrage of media clips, as if a kid with ADD has grabbed your remote and started flipping through the news channels. However, it makes for strangely compulsive viewing."
"Strange, disturbing, fascinating."
"Even listened to bits and pieces of the commentary, It's uses some synthesized voice, so it's difficult to listen to for too long. (omission) ,but it's nonetheless interesting to listen to for at least brief periods."
"This is utterly unwatchable. I feels like the creator of this DVD just learned Final Cut Pro and thinks more editing = good editing. It's the worst kind of ADD cutting. I watched about 3 minutes before shutting it off and throwing the disc away. Avoid."
"It was the good, the bad and the downright ugly for the EPISODE THREE press,
"I'm a third of the way through and loving it to death. Sure, it's not for everyone, sure, it's not something to sit through and watch in one go without a break, but it's an amazing kaleidoscope of just about everyting we love, hate and take for granted about this Star Wars thing. (omission) I don't think there has been anything quite like it before and it might be a long time, if ever, that anyone will attempt to do something like it again."
"Wow- pretty impressive. I'm not a StarWars guy but I can truely appreciate the afford that went into your project.
"It was only when I read (omission) comments that I decided it was wroth a try. And I haven't been disappointed. It is an amazing piece of work. Not sure if I've watched every part of it, because I often dive into a random chapter and watch for a while, but it is fun. (omission) It's a project of which to be proud."
"I was immediately confused, confounded, and intrigued by this thing. I sat down and watched some bits and pieces, and... wow. I wholly agree that trying to watch it all or even large portions of it in one sitting is not to be recommended. But grabbing chunks of it and watching is like a fascinating trainwreck you can't turn away from. I had to shut it off as it was giving my girlfriend and I both headaches before long. But I will get back to it here and there.
There's never been anything like this, and it really made me do some deep thinking about copyright law and the possibilities of complete copyright freedom. Think about having a day of intense web surfing where one link leads to another, and another, and another, and you keep learning and learning more which drives you onward to follow more links for more information to learn even further. Now imagine doing that not with just text and the occasional multimedia bit, but doing that entirely with all of history's video segments linking to other video segments (something that would be impossible under current copyright climate). That's what watching this made me think of: totally video-based internet surfing.
The one thing I wish could be changed was the inconsistent audio levels, which could be extremely jarring at times (even beyond the general jarring inherent to the whole beast!). If there was some way to normalize that, it would be an improvement. That's my constructive criticism. (omission) You'd have to be crazy to attempt something like this, and stark raving mad to actually complete such a thing.
Duuude. This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever watched. At the same time, I can't stop watching.
No insult intended but it's not Lawrence Of Arabia and a bit of a quality drop out only adds to the feeling of media overload.
It is a fascinating piece of work that I will enjoy watching in small doses here and there. After 15 minutes I was exhausted
This sounds so intriguing. I guess I have to just "see for myself"
And lastly, why are a group of pirates making mashup 'documediamentries' about star wars?
I can't figure out if "Thee Backslacpkping With Media" is a work of insanity or genius. Possibly both.
Is anyone else unsettled by this
Every time I read "Backslackpkping", I find it even an awkward word to think. And it gets stuck and repeats a few time like my brain is trying to fix the pronunciation.
Reviews of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Review 001 :
Star Wars Aficionado
Review 002 :
blueyoda @ Fan Edit Forum
Text of : Star Wars Aficionado Review
A STAR WARS/cross culture/media documentary-"a documediamentary"- by %20
"Behind is loaf slaps by the medium"
Reviewed by Scott Weller
Don't worry, your AFICIONADO editor isn't slowly losing his mind, and his computer's spell check facility hasn't gone into meltdown mode yet, either-THE BACKSLACPKPING WITH MEDIA is a unique, experimental film documentary within the realms of the STAR WARS universe, and was sent into me by the project's ambitious, deliberately eccentric and shadowy (in a nice way) instigator/ creator mysteriously known as %20-who may very well become the "Neo" of the STAR WARS Fan Universe!! Basically, it's a tour de force examination of the world's varying multimedia and its reaction to the STAR WARS SAGA- in particular the 2005 release of EPISODE THREE: REVENGE OF THE SITH. Now, you ask, there has previously been quite a few fan related compilations of footage with regards to certain films and aspects of the saga, from individual cast members to behind the scenes material, but what makes this so special and worth watching-well, this is a serious, and also not too serious, study into the way that the media not only exploits its audience, sells a product to them, then uses the product to their own advantage, but also how it can make itself look darn silly at the same time, especially with regards to how they perceive the legendary saga and its multi Ðaudience section fan base.
In general, the media clearly consumes REVENGE OF THE SITH in every way possible, and in some ways its vice versa, too, as a skillful LUCASFILM, though in a different, but equally intriguing way, goes to work with its own highly skilled media control and saturation in showing how important the STAR WARS saga is to people, but also, more importantly, how, as a company wanting to survive and go into other projects, it really does need the fans to come out and support George Lucas in the final legs of his film's fairytale journey. And STAR WARS is sooo big in itself it's clear to me that it's an entity in its own right, equally capable of devouring anybody who loves it or despises it-though I hate the term, it still remains an unstoppable juggernaut of a brand. There's also the chance through the documentary to see how Lucas himself has deliberately changed his own STAR WARS history- of the story, the characters and some behind the scenes moments- to suit his own needs by the time of completing SITH, sometimes not always for the good.
An intriguing indictment of both the strengths and the negatives of the world wide press, THE BACKSLACPKPING WITH MEDIA also shows how dangerously manipulative it can be when its to its own advantage (especially the obvious culprit of Rupert Murdoch's TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX, whose media wings, along with several other major corporations, have effectively spread and captured the world-SITH being the perfect example of publicizing their release rights owned movie through their various large power base/conglomerates (including their flagship SKY TV company)). Then there is the intriguing way that REVENGE OF THE SITH would be seen by certain aspects of the media as a sly attack by George Lucas on the George Bush presidency of the time and the affect his rein had on the world in general (this is an interestingly edited segment from %20, showing how the media have used STAR WARS to their own advantage, though also not bothering to do any research on the subject at all-unable to consider the fact that the original script for STAR WARS back in 1974 had a plot that talked about an evil Emperor and his minions that was written in reference to the way dictators can take over so easily, given the right conditions, and that it was also an observation of the then corruption of the then Nixon US administration. SITH's story relevance in 2005, and the way that's the film's certain political nuances are picked up on and used by the press, proves fascinating to see evolve).
The sheer amount of clips from all over the world put together in this documentary is enough to make any fan, especially of the Prequel Saga, want to see this, but once past the first twenty minutes or so, you'll soon realize just what an imaginative piece of work %20's presentation is. Watching this documentary, it's equally amazing in a so easy it's plain to see way how there are so few good in television interviewers out there in the world-the amount of dumb questioning and "chit-chat" throughout the installments reaches new heights of inanity and moments of absurdity, but at the same time it's really a kinda banal fun watching it and the way it escalates through the skillful, and with a thematic continuity, editing.
Though its nice to see when presenters actually do like STAR WARS, its even worse when you get those ones who really don't give a damn about it and who clearly can't be bothered, literally sleepwalking through their efforts and forgetting their job positions and the huge salaries they're being paid to be clued up on the subject matter they're talking about!! Yes, I know we're in a world where we should be tolerating other people's viewpoints on STAR WARS (even if they're wrong. Ha ha!!) but when you see someone who hasn't even bothered to try and watch it interviewing key people about the films, its sometimes just too embarrassing and cringe inducing for words (and its always painful to see someone like David Letterman or Ed Regis who clearly haven't got a clue about STAR WARS, probably beyond the original 1977 movie release, interviewing someone like Ewan McGregor or Hayden Christensen) -there are quite a few moments when watching these media guys "work" will generate the feeling of a huge chunk of bile being severely caught in your throat!!
As well as the press itself, those aforementioned and highly varied sections devoted to all manner of topics within the STAR WARS universe are equally well developed and prove intriguing, not just on the final film's arrival in cinemas but also the kind of emotional/cathartic release that it would generate-completing the nearly thirty year cycle of the series evolution.
There's a refreshing new spin within the way %20 has edited the subject matter clips- such as favourite characters, the importance of the series title crawl, STAR WARS own unique theme-ology and the way it has influenced and inspired the fans (going back on the series roots and exploring things that have been touched on before, like the way Joseph Campbell had influenced Lucas's work), Hayden Christensen's feeling of empowerment in wearing the Vader suit for the first, and final, appearance of Darth Vader (the lynchpin for EPISODE THREE, and now, since the arrival of the Prequels, of the whole six film saga itself), John Williams music, overseas interviews (the Japanese talks with Hayden are sometimes scary, sometimes hilarious!! And Hayden's facial reactions to the questions are equally priceless), sex and censorship in STAR WARS, the involvement of women in fandom (unlike a lot of earlier sci-fi, this saga has never been just for the guys!! And Amen to that!!), Rick McCallum's always enjoyable over hyping the films in a way that whips up fan frenzy to new heights each time, the Skywalker Ranch press launch, the definition of GEEK, the gazillions that everyone predicts will be made on its then impending release, to the 12.01am EPISODE THREE screenings to riotous, enjoying the moment fans, and the intriguing hunt for the pirateers who ripped the film off as it was being released!!
Just on it's own merits of both fun and fear, the 501st Stormtroopers film section shows wave after wave of Imperial troopers, of all ranks and types, walking out of a convention area-for a few seconds its fun to see them all but then, once the line keeps going and going and going and going, it becomes a bit scary and the power of STAR WARS really starts to get you thinking!!
Away from the fandom element, amongst the many other rare clip treats are Nick Gillard and Hayden appearing on a US breakfast show, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, and doing some fun lightsaber fighting with the general public, a lot of CANNES film festival material where EPISODE THREE received it's European premiere, and the aforementioned Japanese interview footage and the main cast (Hayden and Ian McDiarmid and Lucas press call/talk), and a classic Mark Hamill interview in which he wrongly names Hayden Christensen as Christian Haydensen-absolutely priceless!!! There's so much more, that I'll leave you to discover it allÉ
There also some fascinating inter-cutting of SITH clips from a version of the film that was given Chinese subtitles-how the film was perceived there shows intriguing and highly different sensibilities from the rest of the rest of the world and in regards to the cross cultural landscape ...
With 48 chapters in all (with extra material being added onto the website viewing version of the documentary),what's brilliant about TBWM is that you can watch it one go if you're brave enough (and it's an epic three hours and twenty three minutes!!), or for an equally pleasant wander of total enjoyment you can dip in and out of various chapters and watch from there-each experience through the documentary is a different and intriguing one, almost scientific Ð you may feel like a guinea pig caught in a wheel in an Orwellian "Who's watching the Watchers?" moment!! Or you might feel like you're in a giant Petri dish- being bombarded with all this fast paced interlinking clips to test your psychological reactions!!
The kaleidoscoping/montage effect of the first viewing may prove distracting and highly annoying at times to viewers. Equally, the footage and sound quality of the total presentation is of varying quality, so there are parts when its jars, but that is unavoidable as %20 has gotten hold of the clips from such a wide variety of sources, but it doesn't seriously detract from the enjoyment of watching it, but you must stick with itÉit's worth your patience. Like the DVD cover sleeve that represents it, TBWM can be seen as so much to so many-an amazing viewing experience, a mysterious and baffling, hidden warning message experiment, a psychedelic mixture "trip" of images in a style that's very Oriental in it's design ethic, or you might find it just completely unwatchable!!! The choice is yours!!
As well as us die-hards, I think non fans will equally enjoy watching TBWM; especially anyone taking part in multi media studies analysis-there's enough material on display here to fill twenty theses!! It's the kind of experimental film-making in itself that I think George Lucas would love-in some ways it's an extension of his early USC film school days short LOOK AT LIFE, but with the visual, live action media format at a faster and more intense, almost to overload, level. It's a shame that LUCASFILM sent back %20's preview DVD unwatched-I think it would have garnered some intriguing interest from them and would have been enjoyed for what it was by both Lucas and someone of the likes of Rick McCallum if they had been shown it-hopefully, over time, its popularity will be established and they will eventually see this intriguing cornucopiaÉ
Early criticisms by the fans on sites such as ORIGINAL TRILOGY.COM towards TBWM have been, I feel, a little bit unfair (some citing it as a waste of time and effort with such great footage)- I think some of the fans seeing it for the first time were unsure of what they were going to watch- though it's intriguing to see how comment has improved for the better more recently...in my opinion, THE BACKSLACPKPING WITH MEDIA is definitely an intriguing and important new entry into the exploration of the STAR WARS mythos and it's worldwide effectsÉ
AFICIONADO REVIEW: Fascinating and infuriating in equal parts, this is an obvious labour of love by determined film-maker %20 into the joys and horror of the media world's response to STAR WARS and, in particular, EPISODE THREE. You may need some Alka Seltzer occasionally in watching it, but it's a fascinating documentary experience that's definitely worth your perusal time. 9 out of 10
Text of : blueyoda Review @ Fan Edit Forum
REVIEW: Thee Backslacpkping With Media by %20
As you probably have guessed, this is not your typical fanedit. It's a documentary about Star Wars, yet that is not its mission. It's a mashup yet its goal is not necessarely the entertainment value usually associated with such edits. The best way I could describe this thing is that it's a commentary on the current state of the media. No wait - it's a mockumentary on the way we perceive media. No, that's not exactly it. It's an extrapolation on how media will be fed to us somewhere down the line in 20, 30 years. Actually, it is all these things.
Thee Backslacpkping With Media is a meticulously assembled piece of art which has so many levels of depths that it is almost impossible to review in a conventional way. It is rather meant to be analyzed, deconstructed and talked about endlessly. It is meant to make us simultaneously examine the impact Star Wars has had on the way movies are marketed; the way the media has handled the hype surrounding the prequels; the way we assimilate information; the current state of the internet and where it's headed; how corporations are shaping modern copyright laws; how we perceive art and what is "stealing" and what is "hommage" and what is derivative work and... too many questions that I will not go into here, because that is not the purpose of this review.
Concretely speaking, what is Thee Backslacpkping With Media? It is a collage of snippets of interviews, reports, TV specials, internet parodies and many, many different clips from 700+ sources assembled by theme. It is the equivalent of doing a google search, for example, for "star wars box office", and getting back the results in a audio-visual linear format with clips lasting no more than 8 seconds on average. It is an absolutely mind-numbing experience. It is not meant to be watched in one sitting. It is enjoyable in ten minutes chuncks, perhaps up to 20 minutes chunks if you're ADD enough. Attempting to view the whole thing in one sitting will melt any sane person's mind but I don't believe this is the editor's intention. More than anything the whole project is a statement rather than a movie or documentary. The editor calls it a documediamentary - a project so bizarre that he even had to make up a new word to describe it.
The whole thing is a work of genius in my opinion - a window into the future of how information will be processed and delivered to us according to our particular interests and in an interactive fashion that is very organic. It is a simulator of sorts of what it will feel like to watch a tv show 20 years from now and being able to interact with the contents according to our particular needs. Yet it is not quite that experience since it is not custom made for us - it's a very passive experience, the only possible interaction being our ability to skip to the next chapter or choose the different subtitles or audio options. But it's the closest approximation of what it will be like. I believe this is something that will make it into the history books for its conceptual audacity and visionary look into the evolution of our relationship with information processing.
Ironically, it is almost unwatchable. As brilliant as it is conceptually, watching more than 10 minutes is mentally exausting. It is too much information thrown at us and our brain is unable to process it. The cutting is frenetic and it is unsuitable as an enjoyable experience for a prolongued period of time. It is a novelty that you can show at a party without the sound on - or something to get a discussion going if you watch a little bit of it with friends. A discussion of what Star Wars has done to movies, of how corporations are controlling information, or any of the points that are detailed on the creator's web page (which is a fascinating read). This is a rabbit hole and it is as deep as what the viewer will decide to make it. Personally, I know I will be throwing this in my DVD player from time to time, and I know I will be getting weeks if not months of enjoyment out of it, discovering the many ways to view it.
What I found the most enjoyable was to watch it with the chinglish subtitles which are always funny and with the commentary track on. The editor's insights are fascinating, even if delivered by a Hawking- like robot voice. But wait - it's not a commentary track. It's snippets from IMDB, from various message boards, a collection of different quotes from various sources. Again, this is a deliberate choice on the editor's part, forcing us to re-evaluate what is entertainement. Like everything else involving this project, everything has been thought thru and has a reason for existing, a meaning which we are to discover and which will probably be different for every viewer. It is not thru some kind of artistic choice that the editor named himself %20, the computer equivalent of nothing; he wants to be invisible. But no that's not it; he actually wants us to acknowledge that fact and reflect upon it.
This will be met with very mixed reviews. Some will "get it", some won't. Some will "get it" and hate it, some will not "get it" and love it. This will provide a wide range of reactions and that is precisely what the editor set out to do in my opinion. I am fairly certain he will enjoy reading reviews which praise it as much as those that destroy it. This is a labour of love, the first work of its kind and considering the magnitude of it probably the last. Three years in the making, the madness of indexing 700+ sources into something that is at the same time coherant and chaotic, quite like what the internet is at the moment.
I cannot give this a rating because there is nothing to compare this edit to - it is, as far as I know, the first of its kind. If not it is certainly the first project on such a huge scale and if I have to give it a rating I'd say it is a 1/10 as much as it is a 10/10. I cannot recommend it because of its bizarre nature yet it is mandatory watching for anybody with a brain. I will therefore arbitrarely give it a 5/10.
This edit is hereby approved.
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
Note : Cyan background signify threads with some form of conversation. Grey threads are single mention or notifications.
What is a NoA? (Notification of Appropriation) How are they received? >
A NoA is a 'Notification of Appropriation'. Typically an e-mail or letter, naming the previous artistic creation and newly modified artistic creation.
Example 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Notification of Appropriation (tBSWM NoA):
Subject : Notification of Appropriation [Turn On, Tune In, Veg Out] by %20
Notification of Appropriation
Material : New York Times Editorials/Op-Ed 'Turn On, Tune In, Veg Out' (oped@nytimes.com, letters@nytimes.com)
Written By : Neal Stephenson (morrowmarketing@harpercollins.com)
Published : 2005.06.17
This e-mail is to make whom ever it may concern aware that the New York Times Editorials/Op-Ed 'Turn On, Tune In, Veg Out' by Neal Stephenson has been reconfigured and reincorporated into 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'.
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is a Proof of Concept, imagining a system which could search through online repositories of media and return a program of desired length on the user's topic of choice. tBSWM takes 40+ hours of media (700+ sources created by corporations, news organizations, individuals, bootleggers) from just around the release of the last Star Wars movie and condensed/recompiled that material into chapters on the underlying themes and memes of the 'Revenge of the Sith' coverage.
FAQ for 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'
Using a text-2-speech automation process, parts of 'Turn On, Tune In, Veg Out' have been incorporated into the second audio commentary track. (This option is only available on the full DVD, a copy can be sent to a supplied postal address.)
If curious, Chapter Segments can be viewed here:
I don't recommend watching it all at once, (if ever) look through the chapter titles and if one sounds interesting try it out.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks for the media.
Notifications of Appropriation have been ignored 100% of the time. (current as of: 2009.06.21)
What happened when %20 sent 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' to the Library of Congress and the United States Copyright Office?
On March 16, 2009 the United States Copyright Office (http://www.copyright.gov/) received two copies of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' for contribution to the United States Library Of Congress. (http://www.loc.gov/index.html) The goal of the Library of Congress is to 'sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations'. Other items in the Library of Congress are a 70mm print of the 1977 version of 'Star Wars'.
It takes about 18 months for recognition of submissions.
What happened when %20 took 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' to the Open Video Conference?
The Open Video Conference (2009.06.19-21) was set up to pull together the individuals/entities which are developing video systems which supports unrestricted access, participation, reworking and other ideals associated with a more transparent society. One of the mottos printed onto t-shirts was:
1791 : Free Speech
1965 : Free Voting
1983 : Free Software
2009 : Free Video
Day 1 : Understanding the Situation
Having zero programming skills and not a firm grasp of where computer technology is in relation to the idea behind tBSWM of a system which could search/sort/cut-up/recompile media, %20 headed to the Open Video Conference to learn what's currently available.
The Open Video Conference is about the creation of a framework and platform for media creation and distribution which is unrestricted and available to anyone. Unfortunately tBSWM is burdened with restricted media, so I felt awkward about wasting too many people's time with my ramblings. Spent the first day going to the presentations and chatting with many receptive people about the project. But it seems that a search-edit-recompile system is several years away. One of the challenges to the movement is getting people to consider the open systems. The Ogg codec is the open standard equivalent of the closed mp4/h.264/flash systems which are used by the majority of online video repositories. When tBSWM first went up the video was in Ogg format, but whenever someone wanted to watch the project, there were issues with how to install the codec's and how to play the files. Mozilla announced at the conference that the next version of their software (3.5) would have Ogg playback built in, so that's one hurdle solved. On the search/edit front, two technologies were on display which could provide the foundation. Metavid.org, Pad.ma and Kaltura are systems for online video editing sites which allow anyone to edit open video sources. Both have the capability to search through existing subtitles/transcripts to find the relevant information, then the user can pull out the pieces to create new compositions. So the video search/cut/recompile system's foundation is being created and if there is interest, who knows but in a few years user created programming (video archeology) like experiences similar to tBSWM might be possible.
The pic is of the homemade disc made to give out. Went to Staples, shrunk the DVD artwork to fit a CD slimline case then laminated the print outs. Worked out well (even though most of the text is unreadable) since there was space above and below the artwork to show the DVD underneath where the titles and other information was written. [printed 44 of the laminated artwork covers, but only burned 25 discs, the price went up for whatever reason... Ended up handing out 23 discs over the weekend. More on that in Day 2, tentatively titled "It's hard to give away a free DVD at a Free Video Conference"]
Day 2 : Distributing tBSWM & Missed Opportunities
Since I wasn't able to go to the final day hack-a-thon, decided to set up shop right there in the hallway. Found a bench between the conference rooms and the bathrooms where foot traffic would be highest. Acting as a strangely silent street bootlegger (with a violently bouncing knee and eerie grin, but I was sporting a Suckadelic Chinatown tee), I set out one of the Open Video Conf. t-shirts as my grab-and-go cloth and laid out the discs with a homemade sign (was this practice for my future homelessness?) proclaiming that the DVDs were FREE but there was a significant caveat that the viewers might want to know about. Worked out fairly well, spoke with many people who seemed to appreciate the search system recompiling idea, even though the product on display might not be to their liking. Go a big kick out of the awkward facial expressions/fleeting glances people gave as they passed my distribution center. Some people took one home, and we'll wait and see if they get watched. For my effort got a dollar from a possible new fan, the 'Support Creatives' Initiative at work! Was there for about 3 hours and 16 disc left my possession, about one disc every 11 minutes......
Well there were some pleasant surprises, Star Wars in some of it's myriad forms got periodic mentions in some of the lectures, so when I could those individuals got copies. (let's hope they're fans...) Got a chance to give copies to persons who actually appeared in tBSWM. But I blew a chance to have the %20 moniker more widely known. There was a change in speakers because one of the lecturers was called in to do some news media about the post-election Iranian situation. So the conference set up Peter Sunde, one of the founders of the Pirate Bay, as the closing lecturer. The introduction to Mr. Sunde was done by Alan Toner creator of "Steal This Film" and he mentioned the Elite Torrent takedowns. (Unfortunately, how the US population didn't come to their support, as the citizenry of Europe has done in the Pirate Bay case) So during the Q&A, I submitted a question by post-it note, but I neglected to attribute the question to %20. Could have had the moniker on the big stage... phuck. ...and unfortunately the answer to the question "Have you talked to the Elite Torrent Mods who are about to get released from jail or getting off parole soon?", didn't amount to much.
The lecture can be viewed from the Open Video Conference website. Find the 'Live Stream's section go to the Menu (lower left) --> "Browse On-Demand Library" --> June 20, 2009 --> (last option) Live Show Sat Jun 20, 2009. The introduction is around 03:10:00, and the question is around 03:34:00.
Great conference, full of ideas, we'll see if anyone watches tBSWM and feels compelled to do anything.
What happened when %20 asked the label Illegal Art to release 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
"wow. this is a cool project. how long is the total project? a lot of amazing clips and juxtapositions.
i don't think we're interested in it, even thought it's fascinating... i'm just not sure if i would personally sit through the entire thing more than once, and part of what we look for is work that we would return to again and again... and maybe that's putting too mujch of a "musical" asethetic requirement on something that is more conceptual and analytical, but we have our biases."
What happened when %20 asked the ForceCast to review 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
Two copies have been received by the ForceCast crew, and now we wait to see if they successfully survive the review process.
What happened when %20 replied to the Maxim Magazine request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
A reporter entered the OT.com Forums and requested information on 'Fan Edits'. (Link)
Saw your post on OT.com, it might not fall into your original article's destination, but....
Did you ever wish you could search through all the video media available online, and a program would cut-up and recompile those resources to produce a program being defined by your search query, desired length and other parameters? That is the goal of the Fan Edit below, which attempts to be a media analysis / video archeology study of the media released by anyone (corporate or individual) at the time of the release of the last Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Sith.
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' FAQ:
Watch any chapter from the website:
http://noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#DVDChapter (play options on the right)
or download the DVD:
If this sounds interesting, don't be afraid to ask any questions, it's not the usual fan edit.
Corporate Shill
Consumer Whore
Wannabee Cultural Chimera
As the reporter's questions spread, although not contacted directly, proactively %20 took the opportunity to answer the questions proposed. (%20 responses are in bold)
Sorry for the delay, but here are some questions and thanks so much for participating!
--> not a problem, my pleasure
How old are you?
--> not relevant
Where do you live?
--> not relevant
What do you do?
--> see FAQ [ http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#WhatWho%20 ]
How many "fan edits" have you done?
--> Many %20 creations are available from: [ http://www.noneinc.com ]
What's the primary reason you do you do "fan edits?"
--> information dissemination, see FAQ [ http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#Documediamentary ]
Is it that you didn't like the original or were bored with it?
--> the original lacked the ability to reassemble itself
Has anyone from the film studio ever contacted you about your fan edits?
--> Yes, see FAQ [ http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#NotInLibrary ]
How long does it take to do the "fan edit" 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
--> 3 years, see FAQ [ http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#WorkSchedule ]
There seems to be a high risk/low reward: You don't get paid to do them and you could conceivably be punished for copyright infringement. So why do it?
--> User Defined information dissemination, see FAQ [ http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#HowDoc ]
Are you a wannabe film director or film editor?
--> no, I make, you/they define
What are your favorite "fan edits?"
--> not relevant
What are you impressions of "The Phantom Edit" and "Superman: Redeemed?"
--> not relevant
I'm on a tight deadline so the sooner the better. Thanks!
--> I believe that soon there will be systems in place which will allow people to search/cut-up/recompile media as easily as a word processor manipulates text. Fan Edits will seem trite when anyone can go to their favorite search engine and search/cut-up/recompile the last 50 years of their favorite 6 o'clock TV news or all the online videos to match the content of a wikipedia entry or newspaper article. They choose the Topic, length and other various parameters. That's going to be awesome. Can't wait. %20
A second questionaire was distributed which had additional questions.
Sorry missed a few:
Do you ever think eventually you'll stop making fan edits?
--> There are scenerios for Yes and No.
What's your role on fanedit.org?
--> none
Finally, do you consider yourself a "nerd?" Please explain.
--> Ahh Goood Question, Is %20 A Nerd. Can an imaginary entity be a mental construct... Let's pull back onto something else for a moment then get back to that. Yes, i'm most likely sterile. A large sack of blood vessels descended into my testicles rendering them functionless. How does this pertain to your publication. Oh that's right i'm the aged adult virgin you don't market too. Breeders bring profits. Nerds, Geeks, Dweebs they might create stuff, but stuff is not interesting, new 20 something people are where the action is. But it's great to know that even when you hang out in nerd circles like fan edit forums, you can still receive complements like "you are truly a certified lunatic", and it's appreciated. It's a different world depending on where you exists. We mean you no harm. Hey let's edit something together right now, take the "Hacker Manifesto": [ http://www.phrack.com/issues.html?issue=7&id=3#article ] and replace 'Hacker' with 'Fan Editor' and 'Criminal' with 'Nerd'. I'll do some for you:
Fan Edit Modified Quoting of +++The Mentor+++'s "\/\The Conscience of a Hacker/\/" (Hacker Manifesto)
<Find/Replace 'Hacker' with 'Fan Editor' & 'Criminal' with 'Nerd'> :
"<omission>the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us nerds. We explore... and you call us nerds. We seek after knowledge... and you call us nerds. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias... and you call us nerds.
Yes, I am a nerd. My nerdity is that of curiosity. My nerdity is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My nerdity is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.
I am a Fan Editor, and this is my <modified> manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike. <edit> We like to build upon the past.</edit>"
Oh my gawd, i'm about to gag. That's truly a horrid Fan Edit. but with time something different will be developed.
Few days later, round 3 questions.
Quote: "Here We Go Again"
listen to this: http://www.noneinc.com/sound/ %20&PossibleCostlyIllegals-HereWeGoAgain.mp3 As you read the following.
Which movie franchise has had the most "fan edits?"
--> don't know
Can you estimate how many film edits are out there?
--> everyday more
How many film edits are on your site?
--> more
How important was "The Phantom Edit?" Did that start it all?
--> In the grander scheme, not much. Did it start it all, maybe for this crop of individuals, but for the appropriated arts, this is another drop in the pool.
Some call it collage, compilation, found footage, detournement, recycled cinema, etc. Either way they are all extensions of the creative spirit. Monkey See, Monkey Do; Differently. Humans learn through copying. Some of these terms go back to the early days of cinema. Terms and practices evolve, and appropriation changes to suit those needs. (Duchamp hung a toilet, there are now found footage festivals http://www.cine-magic.com/foundfootagefest.html go figure)
Recently, in the 1970s, because of the grittier content, many films had alternative versions or 'cuts', so they could be released in places they couldn't get the original played. (typically a European film got 'cut' when playing in the US) This had to be a factor in the wave of editors today, who might have been children at that time and learned that the movie they saw, was just part of a larger whole.
In the 1980s, colorization became a new tool, and many films got a facelift. Ironically, George Lucas was vocal, criticizing the colorization of the Three Stooges, claiming that it would harm the humor by removing it's lack of color context. One of the major uplifts to a classic was Metropolis, (1927 / 1984) by Fritz Lang. It got colorized and a new soundtrack was added. Revising soundtrack material is a common Fan Editor decision. Many Fan Editors also might share a common love of MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) who appropriated whole movies and added their own commentaries. This has evolved into Riff Tracks, but there have been several fan websites dedicated to the art. [ http://www.zarban.com/?page_id=1562 the fan commentary movement has been attributed to that Roger Ebert article ] 'Wizard People, Dear Reader' was an audio modification of the Harry Potter movie which got some media attention years back. [ http://illegal-art.org/video/wizard.html ]
Another 1980s phenomenon, Airplane! became probably the most popular recontextualized/appropriate film still to this day, possibly. Airplane! is a direct remake of Zero Hour. (1957) The overall plot and major portions of dialog are direct lifts from Zero Hour. [ this viddie has clips of both films showing the modifications, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q__vuyH1JEI ]
If Star Wars and Jaws are the films which coined the blockbuster title. Airplane! paved the way for the 'Remake Movie' phenomenon, people like to complain about now. All these spoofy comedies and the creeping of comedy moments into action films is one of the things the current batch of Fan Editors rail against. A common practice i've heard is that many Fan Editors remove the jokey moments from the action films they appreciate.
In the 1990s, whole documentaries were produced using 'illegal' satellite broadcasts. Brian Springer's 'Spin' documents the behind-the-scenes maneuvering of politicians and newscasters. [ watch here: http://illegal-art.org/video/index.html ] Disturbing to this day, especially realizing that the same techniques are being employed to manipulate who gets to speak in the Presidential debates.
On the Star Wars front, George Lucas has in his entire career spurred the creation of tools which democratized film making. http://droidmaker.com/ Is a great book by Michael Rubin on the early days of digital filmmaking. At Lucas Film, the 1980s computer team would eventually become Pixar, but at this time they were making the tools like video and audio editing software which every computer now has standard. The OT.com community have grown up following the evolvement of SW and the computer systems created to make them and are familiar with the tools which permit the modification of film. So it's not surprising that the modification of The Phantom Menace would be one of the initial creations of this type to Find a sympathetic audience. It was built in. There are many other works being created in the same spirit but getting those works to like minded folks to reach a critical mass, well it happens. In audio appropriation, the bootleg mashup scene produced DJ Danger Mouse, but his emergence lead to a contraction of the culture (forums went private, etc.) publicly, because of the scrutany.
For what it's worth, the direct FanEdit.org community is very much concerned with presentation. They like their DVDs so they can go watch on their media viewing systems. They want the theater going experience. This should be of note to the people who make the A/V tech. A good percentage are often gadget freaks. So wrap this article with the new HDTV and BluRay player / media center.
But there are alternative creators using other forums and mediums to get their creations out. There have been many Trailer remakes who use free online repositories to get their message out. Recently learned about a full movie mashup project called 'One Flew Over The Dead Poets Nest'. Available on free online repositories and social media sites, it stands in stark contrast (distributionally) to FE.o. [ http://www.myspace.com/dead_poets_nest ]
...but now here's the cross road, do your readers really care about any of this. What's the angle your publication is going for. Why hire a writer of this caliber to do a piece on this topic. Could you forward the angle question to the person who pitched the article idea. curious what they wanted to find out. what are you gunning for.
Some info pulled from:
(thanks Wobbly!) haven't read everything yet, but seems to be a great blog on the subject, definitely coming from a wordy art context.
Thanks! You're being a HUGE help!
--> oh i doubt that.
Tell me how important you think "The Phantom Edit" was to the "fan edit" hysteria? Did it "need" to be that movie that started it all? Is Mike Nichols, the creator of "Phantom Edit," considered somewhat of a legend?
--> Partly touched on the first part before, the idea of the built in audience which lead to critical mass. (the Holiday Special and Phantom Edit share a common video tape trading history, except the Phantom Edit was on the cusp of easy digital transfer) The community appreciates where it's been but doesn't dwell on it too much. Which is why there are few articles. There are new works being created, and the members place most of their time into making those as best as they can. Communities not large enough to have a documentarian following it's exploits, the public forum archives accomplish that some what for those who wade through them.
And more follow up, again directed elsewhere, but answered anyway. ...these answers ramble as an overall general sense of depression, impending doom and general malaise to where this article is going...
I actually spoke to the head of "anti-piracy" at the MPAA and, honestly, he barely cared at all about "fan edits." He was WAY more concerned with flat-out piracy. Do you have any documentation that they made you take down links? Why do you believe they're so anti-"fan edits?"
--> The MPAA operate on various levels. The public wing (which handles reporters/media) of course would say that Flat-Out piracy is their prime concern. It is governments like China who permit a different level of legal/illegal material to stay in the buying sphere, which can be seen as the biggest threat. But on other operating levels, people make decisions. It only takes one MPAA employee (or one of the many companies which are under the MPAA umbrella) to send out Cease & Desists to works they might have never seen, (the youtube C&D process has become a factory assembly line) and don't fully understand but claim is infringing. The individual on the receiving end has to make a decision. Give In, which most people recommend, or fight. Fighting a Cease & Desist can be complicated, time consuming and plagued with financial setbacks. Most of which lead to a Chilling Effect. [ http://www.chillingeffects.org/ ]
Yes they're not the same but the MPAA and RIAA are viewed with the same general apathy in the emerging fan creator universe. There are many audio cases which didn't have positive outcomes for expanding creativity. U2 hid behind their record label as it took out Negativland/SST. [ http://negativland.com/?opt=mailorder&item=68&type=1 ] CBS went after the Evolution Control Committee. [ http://evolution-control.com/cbs.html ] The Beatles after DJ Danger Mouse. The catalog of music works owned by a copyright control organization who just target rap samplers, and have gotten the precedent down to several second of 'unrecognizability'. (Parliament/NWA 100 Miles and running decision) and Michael Jackson used the Canadian RIAA to suppress John Oswald's seminal Plunderphonic work. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plunderphonics ] Lawerence Lessig's books cover a lot of the cases which have modified the perception of the legal climate. [ http://lessig.org/ & http://remix.lessig.org/ ]
Who wants to risk it all to make a point... especially when the C&D sender can force you to travel to where ever they want, and since the MPAA organization has multiple locations, they can make you go anywhere, on your own pocket. ( For more info on the DMCA and C&Ds listen to http://www.thelasthope.org/media/audio/64kbps/A_Decade_Under_the_DMCA.mp3 talk by Marcia Wilbur who wrote a book on the subject )
Also the movie industry and really all content owners have a general lack of interest in material reworking. For instance, http://www.darknet.com/2005/07/when_the_studio.html This guy wanted to gain permission to reuse small parts of movies (from the 7 major film companies) to incorporate into a project for his daughter to be shown to family and friends. He's got copies of the response letters. Most denied on principal. The MPAA/movie companies don't have the man power to adequately determine either way, so they flat-out deny or not respond. It's easy.
So what fan editor in their right mind would be anything but fearful when doing this kind of thing. Luckily most of them are either proud of what they've accomplished or just ignorant of the what's happened before them or accepting of the risks and proceed anyway.
Are you on loan from Playboy or is Maxim and Playboy synergizing?
Can you guess which movie company sues clowns who make balloon animals in shapes similar to their cartoon characters? Hint: They just bought Marvel.
If Star Wars supposedly got fan editing through the Phantom Edit, Star Trek has it's levels of appropriation too. Paramount recently released a new DVD box set of the TOS where they updated all the special effects shots, similar to what Lucas did with the Special Editions. But here's where things have changed slightly, Paramount allows a group of fans to recreating whole unproduced episodes of TOS. which i guess is not so special since Lucas Film Ltd. allows the same type of Fan Film creativity. And at the same time, TNG is getting facelifted by a youtube fan editor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf9oD_xl8mI But while these positive changes happen, C&D in both communities are still happening, even though both sides press release that they don't.
To see where the Fan Edit community could progress, i guess the Modified Trailers are a good example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wOcQr-2-pE but i guess this stuffs been blended into the Web Soup enterrtainmants.
R U aware o': http://www.concretetv.com/ Thee Supreme Fan Editorist of them all. I believe you worked for the mag. (RS) which declared him so.
The topic of press releasing and C&D'ing, should have contained the link to: http://www.digitalcity.com/2009/07/28/comic-con-steve-sansweet-on-star-wars-fandom/. The pertinent quote and %20 reply is in the response section at the bottom. Again this is semantics, it might be not what LFL or most corporations are about, but never the less it's a tool in the belt.
Sorry for the delay, was busy celebrating the birth of 60 Minutes and the Sci Fi Channel yesterday.
1) Can you give me an example of something you've done to show your huge level of fanaticism toward fan editing?
Delighted: 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' : http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html
A 3.5 hour guided tour through the media onslaught (over 700 sources, over 1,666 edits) brought upon the universe via a highly debated genre franchise. tBSWM is attempting to be a proof of concept of future media interaction where a user defines the search parameters and a system searches, cuts-up and recompiled the vast online repositories of media into a condensed historical info-heavy experience. Concentrated Learning.
2) Why do you go by an "alias"? Why does ANYONE go by an alias? Is it for fear of prosecution or is it something else?
Like Driver Licenses, Voting and other events in a life, society has deemed it appropriate to wait for these 'gifts' to be granted. The common collective has determined that individuals grow until an approximate age and then become what they generally refer to as an adult. Now in some cultures people identities are actually redefined at that point, some even take new names. Internet culture has keyed into this phenomenon with the Avatar and User Name concepts. People want to redefine their core being and through the Alias they be all that they can be or want to be. I would suggest that society re-examine how it treats religion and let the individuals chose their religious affiliation at the same time they're granted voting and driving rights.
3) Why spend six hours a day working on "Thee Backslacpkping With Media" if you're not an aspiring filmmaker? Are you just that loyal to the craft or is it something else?
I would like society to have a User Defined Self Replicating Documediamentary experience. I think it'll be helpful to have a well informed electorate, and thus produce a more robust democracy. or maybe I just like clip shows too much.
4) Any idea where "The Phantom Edit" was originally uploaded and/or if there's a way to monitor how fast it was downloaded once it was?
The Phantom Edit started out in the VHS tape trading world. So hanging out at Comic book conventions was the way to stop that one. Yes there are ways to monitor online downloading experiences. But every few years more technology comes out and the ability to monitor verse the ability to freely exchange knowledge/information vacillates. For instance in China, there is the "Golden Shield" (Great FireWall of China). This attempts to prohibit communications. Individuals have developed technologies like Ultrasurf, which allow so called dissidents to talk to whom they choose. During the recent Olympics when the government stopped reporters from talking to their editors, systems like these were used to get around the Golden Shield. Recently the Chinese government attempted another layer of internet clamp down, called 'Green Dam Youth Escort'. Originally required to be installed on all machines distributed in China, the government has stepped back and only forced it to be run on all school, internet cafe and other publicly used computers. Designed to protect youth from adult content, in trials it removed 15% of pornography terms and 85% of political keywords. Let's now drift towards the Fan Edit world and distribution of content. There are many bits and bytes moving services. Some connect users like p2p systems. (napster, kazaa, eDonkey, Bittorrent) Others are forums discussion groups which have had their utility increased like usenet. (quick story on usenet. Usenet is one of the oldest internet items, there are thousands of discussion groups talking about many diverse topics with millions of users. But New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo thinks that the amount of illegal pornography on them warrents that all ISPs stop communications through usenet. Notice how he did not recommend dropping the groups in the offending areas, he recommends dropping the entire usenet service. Millions of discussion groups, hundreds of millions of topics. So ISPs have been dropping usenet and even though the ISPs are offering one less service, they don't drop their fees. that's a win-win for business but not for communications.) Others are free online services to move/store large files like megaupload or yousendit. All are monitorable, trackable and pollutable. There used to be more pollution. I ran a blog called 'Thee RIAA Is My Favorite Band' and I would collect the files distributed by companies like Overpeer. Twas phun. But that's the old days. Now the new mini-file sharing war is with torrent trackers and ISPs. A tracker goes up, companies threaten the ISP, tracker goes down. It's wack-a-mole. The entire Pirate Bay archive is a 20gb download and you can set up your own. So with that knowledge how do you ramp up? You enlist government. Happened before. Revenge of the Sith came out. Lucasfilm says they'll go after all the pirates. But they (Lucasfilm) didn't. Lucasfilm did Cease and Desists some fan films but that's an issue over on the side. Lucasfilm is part of the MPAA, and it was them who gathered the proof, who went to the FBI/ICE and Government sent several citizens to jail for a few years, and in some of the court records, Star Wars is never mentioned. These are the skirmishes on the internet. Some people win some people lose. The chairman of Getty Images said "Intellectual Property is the oil of the 21st century". People have developed the Onion Router (Tor) to increase anonymity of internet communications. These are all actions which are going to be pieces of the next whatever. Imagine the Onion Router wrapped around BitTorrent protocols through web interfaces with free online archives. and Imagine at the next G20 summit the Berne Convention is expanded to match the updated US copyright rules of life+100+Mickey. Great Googgilymoogily.
But that aside. I'd like you to be able to search all online video media archives and have a mini-program returned to you on the topic you're researching. I think that's neeto.
From my editor:
I visited the FanEdit site and it seems like they "makeD you buy the original work before you can download the fan edit? Or at least, I saw a warning to that effect when I was trying to download a fan edit of Watchmen. So, at the very least, it seems like whoever runs that particular site is trying to profit off the movies in some way-no? Are there any sites that make you pay for the fan edits?
All for now. Thanks!
---> As with other websites that discuss movies (OT.com aint-it-cool, chud, etc.) FE.o has a similar strategy for profitteering. Talk about movies, link to online retailer of said movie and pray your traffic is high enough to cover server costs. Some blogs work this way as well. The blog owner starts an account so that all purchased items which get bought from links on that blog, get some gain. All buying of copies of the movie happens between the viewer and Amazon or their local DVD buying store. FE.o on all Fan Edit pages provides links to Amazon or some other online retailer. Do those links support the server costs, that is a possibility, but FE.o doesn't have the page views to make it financially solvent, I would guess.
Every fan editors handles it differently. Some make VHS tape copies like the Phantom Editor. Some editors ask for proof of purchase, picture or scan of the DVD receipt etc. Others put their edits into myspace, youtube, bittorrnt, etc. Others go with the trust that the other end owns a legitimate copy. In some cases the original fan editor doesn't know his work has escaped. Reminding people that to legitimately view a fan edit, a copy must be owned is like FBI warnings on DVDs or the statement sporting events have, "no rebroadcast without the written consent of" etc. (WFMU.org's Kenny G spoke the entire transcript of the longest baseball game, it's quite something to listen too.) They are reminders in different forms to do the right thing. I personally recommend that both sides add 'Support Creatives' onto their releases. This will remind the consumers that attempting to place the financial gains as close as you can to the actual creator of the work you appreciate, will possibly foster more creative works. But it's all a crap shoot. In the end, very little can stop anyone from going to the library and taking out a copy or borrowing a friends. How many parents use the local library as their dealer of Dora the Explorer, Blue's Clues or that purple thing. There's ways around every system for those who look. Making it easier to gain access at a reasonable compensation might be a goal worth persuing. The key is making it available. In an atmosphere which is now making it fairly reasonable that anyone could expect every piece of media ever created to be available in some economic compensation online. So if release 'x' is available in many different ways, sure people might 'shop' for the cheapest, but most likely they'll just watch the quickest found and pay those fees. People don't shop for media, they consume it.
Insert Fair Use discussion here.
Periodically there are other website start ups who cater towards certain edits or genres, they tend to be the creations of a fan editor looking to spark another site. Some persists others go under. Each one has certain charms or unappealing qualities. Through it all FE.o has gone on. Maybe just by name, but more likely because the operators treat this phenomenon with a passion that somehow transends. Sure one day the house of cards will fall, and what the suer will find is an individual with a family. (an odd phenomenon in the fan edit community is a lot of these editors are parents with sick kids. they're forced to stay at home and often can only get away for a few hours at a time, ie the length of a movie. This is similar to the predominance of military vets in yahoo forums.) [other categories are media minded kids, college film students, maybe a few wannabee film makers, extreme fans of certain movies, but mostly preservationists of odd tv and movies. and at this time in history, a bunch of unemployed people] Or it'll turn into some weird drug like thing. The owners watched all his movies so many times he's sick of them all, so he's capitalized on the fan edit phenomenon to watch everything through someone else's eyes. And he keeps the system going with the spirit of a meth addict, keeping the system bringing in new product to support his habit for new viewpoints on his favorite movies. Yeah that might be it.
So in response to your editor, besides the above, if they went onto youtube and searched and found a copy of Watchmen, should youtube include the similar warning that to watch they should own? There actually is a fellow who tests out the automated (audible magic) youtube cease and desist system, he slightly modifies copyrighted material to see at what point the automated cease and desist system kicks in. Many of the results look like pan and scan squooooshed tv broadcasts of movies.
As for the last question yes, there are sites that make people pay for fan edits. Those individuals do not remain (they get banned) on the high profile fan edit discussion forums, like FE.o and OT.com. Some forums make you pay a fee when joining the discussion, they tend to be linked into a dedicated tracker. There are many eBay and other sites offering up fan edits, 'Star Wars : Deleted Magic' being the main one being seen sold online or at comic book conventions, etc. The community goes through waves, where periodically members who come across fan edit selling, notify eBay/etc. that the auction is offending to their terms of usage. Sometimes eBay/etc. gets to the bottom of things and makes a determination.
I'll be selling my Fan Edit one day, but more for the attention. Since I can't seem to get anyone to watch it when offered for free, maybe the allure of giving away compensation will gain the project some viewers. Since willful infringement has a higher price tag then regular copyright infringement, i'm using the recent Jamie Thomas-Rasset case as my starting price tag. So the going rate of a single willful infringement equals $80,000. Since 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' has over 700 cases (now yes we could use the 1,666 actual edits, but for the sake of argument we'll use the number of individual sources). So 700 x $80,000 = 56 million dollars. Which is a nice price tag, since that will mean i'll only have to make one copy. (if a seller comes through of course) But with 56 million dollars, that should be enough to hirer a team of skilled cutting edge programmers to produce the User Defined Self Replicating Documediamentary system. and that's a societal win!
I have a follow-up question for the Maxim story on fan edits that comes from my editor:
To your knowledge, do the fan editors make any profit off of these films, and are any of the hosting sites pay-for-content sites?
Got an 8-6 so don't have as much play time.
Off-Topic: go see http://theyesmenfixtheworld.com/ doesn't need a fan edit.
The sad reality is the Fan Edit community has failed to solve the internet profitability problem. Actually they purposefully don't attempt to solve the internet profitability problem, so that they stay out of the way of copyright extremists. But Maria is free to rephrase the question, to suit the recent fancy, the community will answer as best they can. Is this line of question originating from the recent Paul Graham Post-Medium Publishing article? http://www.paulgraham.com/publishing.html or Clay Shirky's 'Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable' http://www.shirky.com/weblog/2009/03/newspapers-and-thinking-the-unthinkable/ But i'll provide some more details and a New Development which might make for interesting conjecture.
Although I cannot speak for the entire fan edit community, but there are posts and rules on the two major fan edit communities of FanEdit.org and OriginalTrilogy.com which prohibit the sale of any so called 'fan edit'.
"2. No profiting from any activities related to fan edits or preservation efforts. Those found selling their fan edits or preservation projects here or elsewhere will be banned."
"Question: Who can tell me, where the links are? Answer: No one from the staff of FE. We will delete all emails we get asking for links, because it would put us in legal danger."
I haven't come across any fan editors who are distributing their content for profit, the forum moderators generally take action quick and swiftly on these issues. The general concensious is that the works produced have not crossed the line into a work of merit which the creator deems significantly valuable to test the markets. There have been several cases on the OT.com forums of members found selling and their subsequent banning. (google/bing/yahoo "site:originaltrilogy.com banned")
So who's profiteering from fan edits. internet service providers (it's all about communications), advertisements on blogs which talk about fan edits, advertisements on forums which discuss fan edits, advertisements on search engines from fan edit searches, advertisements from free online archive places, computer makers and the applications which fuel this type of creative output. Publications which have articles on fan edits could be considered profiteers from the fan edit phenomenon. Books with chapters. News programs which cover fan edits. Etc. There doesn't seem to be any monetary trickle down theories functioning when it comes to the original creators.
Aside: one of the main FE.o aesthetics is quality. To acheive the best quality fan edit, the recommended proceedure is to work directly from the best source which for about 99% of movies is the most recent release. That means buying the latest and greatest version. Wouldn't be surprised if fan editors buy movies they don't like just to edit them.
As with all creative content, some thrive others fail. No fan edit site, persuing the evolution of the artform, is pay-for-content. That would require some advanced .html'ng which just is not part of the scene. And as elaborated prior, the fan editing community proper don't have the interest to be the poster child of the next round of judicial copyright rulings (Golan v. Gonzales: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golan_v._Gonzales & Kahle v. Gonzales: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahle_v._Gonzales or Eldred v. Ashcroft: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eldred_v._Ashcroft - General article on Lessig's copyright court cases: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.10/lessig_pr.html), the members just want to chat with similar minded folks. But the fan edit community at times is pilferred upon by the comic book convention / lost tv/movie dvd trader community. Star Wars Deleted Magic an OCPmovie production is seen at every comic book convention now, along with Star Wars fan films like Star Wars Revelations. But Fan edits just aren't that popular. The scene hasn't seen any breakthrough titles of yet, which have captured the imagination of the wider public, but the Big Apple Con is this weekend so who know's what will be there. Also a major hurdle to the Fan Edit community is the idea of downloading 4 gigs of information. It's just completely outrageous to most internet users, who tend to want things immediately. Waiting a day or several days/weeks to watch a fan edited movie just is not on the agenda of most online folks.
So %20's 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is attempting to be the next stupid attempt to cross the so-called self proclaimed fan edit imaginary line between free and pay. As covered in the last e-mail, to complete the Willful Infringement Circle of Financial Gain, (remember the conservative $56 million price tag) tBSWM is available for full or partial purchase in any method of financial transferrance. %20 takes credit cards, money orders, old lottery tickets, change, bills, stocks, free food, food stamps etc. And for a limited time, any Maxim subscriber can pay double for the same item which can be gotten for free. Although my current profit margin is not up to blockbuster standards. [http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#Support] But check with the US Treasury or Where's George, but SN: D93936887F is no longer in circulation, and that will stay for the forseeable future, unless litigative circumstances determine that Bankruptcy by Corporation is the defined goal of some business entity.
So to recap, the Fan Editors profits unfortunately are left to positive forum posts, or posts which help them expand their creative impulses. But maybe there is some dark fan edit under-underground where copies are sold for cold hard cash, but that's a fairly remote possibility. But with the Infinite Improbability Drive, maybe the social profits can be calculated.
What happened when %20 replied to the Epoch Times request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
Another RFI (Request For Information) came into the FanEdit.org control center for information on Fan Edits, and again, unprovoked, %20 answered.
NOTE: the below is information on an odd Fan Edit.
Hello, not a problem. I'm a plunderphonic glitch noise-itian posing as a video archeologist working for a no one, who goes by the moniker %20, who has made fan edits, but is currently promoting a media video search/cut-up/recompile system. I am based in a theoretical construct called the internets and hope to have a handheld version called Flimsiplast Database in the near future. (think flexible digital paper) We to are available for Free to anyone around the world, but without the unstated agenda. (except for those we keep silent upon)
But this aside, lets get to the Fan Edit discussion. %20's most recent Fan Edit might be of interest to you and your organization. The project is called aka 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' (FAQ: http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html ) Consider it a media analysis / video archeological study of the media created by anyone (corporate to individual to governmental) on the subject of Star Wars at the time of the release of the last movie, Revenge of the Sith. But wait it's more!
If you didn't know, shortly after the release of the last Star Wars (SW) movie a bootleg with odd Chinese/English subtitles appeared called 'backstroke of the west'. The subtitler distributed a message through these subtitles which reflected their viewpoint of the SW cultural phenomenon. ('Sith' became 'West', the 'Jedi' became the 'Presbyterian Church', etc. [see: http://www.winterson.com/2005/06/episode-iii-backstroke-of-west.html ])
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' (tBSWM) is a response to those subtitles and other actions taken at this time. (the US FBI/ICE shut down a torrent site, while Lucasfilm was Cease & Desisting fan created trailers) To engage in this cross cultural expression, the entire tBSWM presentation has been translated into Chinese and then back into English. Partly to show off the current difficulties in machine generated translations but mostly to engage a wider audience. If the english speaking world got some chuckles/insight from the backstroke subs, maybe the same would be the case for tBSWM subs.
And this is where it gets neeto. Individuals are embedding freer-speech enabling system into the pirated DVD. Things like UltraSurf (software to bypass the Great Firewall/Green Shield) and Blogger Rights documentation and other things which someday i'll hopefully find out about. These things can really take on a life of their own.
tBSWM can be watched online:
but I recommend the full DVD which has an audio commentary track, additional subtitles, and bonus material.
Don't hesitate on any type of question.
Consumer Whore
Corporate Shill
Wannabee Cultural Chimera
Follow up questionaire: %20 responses in bold.
--> Follow the -->'s
Hi all
I'd like to thank you all for getting back to me so quickly. I thought I would copy you all into this email so you can either reply to me separately if you like, or decide who is going to reply on behalf of all of you.
I think this is going to be a nice feature - looking forward to hearing your answers to the below questions. Some of them may seem a little 'obvious' but the audience will most likely not be aware that fan edits exist, so I need to explain a little about the background to the phenomenon.
Ok here are the questions:
--> NOTE : The opinions expressed in this e-mail in no way reflect the opinions of Fan Edit.org or their affiliated websites.
--> NOTE 2 : The opinions expressed are of %20 a tangental element who's attempting to expand the conversation to gain a better worldly understandment of the Appropriated Arts.
--> Why would you think we/they/I/them/it would want a 'nice feature'. Maybe we want some controversy. I understand that the entertainment section of the Epoch Times is used to attract the free audience to their other articles. and I just told you that the fan edit 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' was being used by an undefined new younger wave of dissidents to distribute freer-speech enabling systems and ideas. The Fan Edit mystic is glossed by the 'done by novices' banner. Right now it's under the radar. According to a reporter from a recent article, even the MPAA is not heavily concerned with the Fan Edit phenomenon. The MPAA he says is more concerned with Piracy. 'MORE' So let's imagine if a story broke that pirated DVDs of a Fan Edit (let's call it 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media') were distributed cross countries borders and that these pirated Fan Edit dvds contained information which contained encoded information which was against the interests of the that governments central core. Now it might be the case that this countries government is lax on piracy in relation to other governments. But now a stupid little fan edit is possibly targeted from two sides. On one hand an economic based organization is attempting to protect it's intellectual property, and on the other hand a government is attempting to limit information distribution, but the mysterious third appendage one stupid little dvd crosses both paths. Could influence from those two sides cause for a crack down on the larger context, and accidentally cut off the weird appendage. And btw the stupid little dvd, contains content which the creator designated to the public domain, creative commons license zero, it's as free as things can be without a court wasting time thinking about it. So some might claim that the stupid little dvd is a form of speech, and now a government and economic based system are aware of it, possibly. Could one of these things change their stripes. Could a government, which has a lax copyright enforcement system, increase it's scrutany and crack down on pirated dvds or would an economic system stand behind the creative spirit? Anyway it might make for a good short story, even if it is real. But in the mean time, download the DVD and send a copy to a cross border friend.
How about you tell us what you think you know about the phenomenon. Correcting misconceptions might be a good angle.
Why do you think fan editing started?
--> Why do you think creativity exists? The technology for making films exists, and part of the making process includes remaking.
How long have you been involved with fan edits? Why did you start?
--> Society makes cultural information. This information gets disseminated and reinterpreted by everyone who comes in contact with it. Much of this relies on the technology which is intrinsic to the creative output. So for instance, your fingers are in a certain configuration when playing a 'C' chord. Musicians have learned to play that note, and combine it with other chords or played in different sequences. 'C' hasn't changed, it's interpreted differently on various instruments, but no one tries to control 'C'. Computers have allowed more individuals to play with the same tools that established 'artists' play with. In the realm of film, George Lucas has been a continual proponent of the democractization of film technology. The editing technology which is available on most computers (iMovie like applications) came about from the technological investigation which happened at Skywalker Ranch in the late 70s early 80s. Also developed in sync was the manipulation of image technology and computer generated imagery. This was spun off into ILM & Pixar, and some of the makers of photoshop are in the Lucasfilm family. (Michael Rubin's 'droidMAKER' http://droidmaker.com/ documents this history) Even now this process is evolving. This year has been proclaimed the beginning of the Open Source Video movement. (http://openvideoalliance.org/) Tools which allow anyone to post video (Theora Ogg Codec) without the restrictions of proprietary systems have reached a maturation point. Video editing tools are also making the move from installed software to online manipulation experience.
So since many developments were coming from the Star Wars factory, that's most likely why the Fan Edit community was defined after the creation of 'The Phantom Edit'. There was a built in fan base, familiar with film technology and they lachted into the idea of modifying film. Heck George set up the idea by modifying his own films just a few years before. The Special Editions and the purposeful manipulation of not only character development and plot devices (Han no longer shoots first) in the minds of some was the slap in the mind which promoted others to rethink and revise films.
Now other popular films have done similar reappropriation on a massive scale. Airplane! is a direct remake of Zero Hour!. Many scenes lift the staging, character and dialog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q__vuyH1JEI Also in the 80s movie preservation became a topic of interest, everyday most films rot in Hollywood archives. Some people like Rick Prelinger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Prelinger) have taken it upon themselves to use their influence to preserve documents which would otherwise be destroyed. (and going as far as to make these forgotten films alive again by free archives like http://www.archive.org/index.php) In the 80s, Hollywood realized the problem but decided to try to economize the results. One of the results society got was the colorization of film. For example the 1927, Metropolis got a facelift and revised soundtrack in 1984. These are other examples of popular modified film which influenced the Fan Edit generation.
I'm more interested in the creations which alter the pre-existing material in such a way, that it's just hard to equate the two as similar or there's a decision made by the re-appropriator that the original owner might not want to be associated with the revised work. The change provides a new clarity or enlightenment.
Can you give me an idea of your background? Age, occupation, where you live etc.? I understand this might be a bit sensitive, so you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable - it just gives a little depth to the article.
--> Yes. infinity, many, internet.
I came through the audio appropriation scene. Negativland/PLU/Oswald/collage, Boomselection/mash-up, Noise/experimentation scenes.
In many ways the Fan Edit community is random movie fans from all over the world. They're collectors of memorabilia, they've got most of the versions of their favorite films from VHS to laser disc to DVD, etc., they do the message board thing and discussed the movie down to the most unherald detail. And repeated discussions have pushed these folks to the point of, hey what if we did this to the movie. And they've done it and the act of interacting directly with the film medium appeals to them. Maybe they have an itch to be in film, some do others don't care for the industry.
This story has repeated a few times in different areas of specialty, and those folks have begun to join forces to create communities which cater towards the activity of movie manipulation. Getting these people together to help others learn the process, but some members just like seeing a film they appreciate from a different vantage point. It might be the same joke, but so-and-so's punch line is better, or more suited towards this type of audience.
How many films[/TV/sound] have you edited?
--> approaching 1,000 audio/video modified cultural items. more if you include textual and verbal.
Which fan edits do you regard as your favourites, and why?
--> My opinion is relatively uninformed. There's a forum full of posts at http://faneditforum.com/ which could answer this question in a way i could not. But that's just one community, http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/index.cfm is a tangental community which also caters towards people modifying media. And there are people who just do but are not in some type of community, they post things on all those social media sites. Video appropriation-wise, http://concretetv.com/ although never hard enough is hard to look away from. http://www.tvcarnage.com/ recover some mind numbing material. http://www.madamechao.com/ has produced some highly viseral video experiences.
Is the fan editing scene growing?
--> yes
How many films do you think are fan edited a month?
--> the internet answers this question, but undoubtable the trend is rising.
How long does it take for you to re-edit a film? I know this might be something of a "how long is a piece of string" type question, but if you could give me an idea...
--> minutes to years.
As a generalisation, who are the people doing the fan edits? Are they professional editors (as in the case of the Phantom Edit) or amateurs with an enthusiasm for editing? Or something else?
--> Anyone and everyone. Professionals, amateurs and enthusiasts.
Fan edits exist in something of a legal grey area. Have you ever had any trouble from the authorities or film companies? If so how was this resolved?
--> Yes i think i read that someone thought that a cease & desist was sent to fanedit.org and the site revised their webpages.
Do you think the original film-makers see your edits? If so, do you know what they think?
--> No. Not interested, in my case it was sent back. See FAQ: http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#NotInLibrary
It struck me that the next step for fan edits might be that commercial film-makers start to re-edit their own favourite films. I can imagine Tarantino being quite enthusiastic for something like this. What are your thoughts on this, and do you think it is a likely possibility?
--> Been done for years now. Airplane! is a remake of Zero Hour. George Lucas created the Special Editions of Star Wars. Hollywood makes tons of remake films people say they don't like but other people go see anyway. Some of the bricks which built Disney are from the Appropriated Arts. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steamboat_Willie Micke Mouse as 'Steamboat Willie' is a reinterpretation of Buster Keaton's 'Steamboat Bill Jr.')
But with the plethora of fan edits of trailers on social media sites and competitions sponsored by film schools and other organizations, it would make sense that one of these reinterpreters would rise through the ranks to be given the chance to make something with the financial backing to become wildly successful.
Otherwise, what do you think the future of fan editing might be?
--> Whatever the creators can develop. infinity plus one.
What are you working on at the moment?
--> Stuff.
Do you have any tips for people who might want to start fan editing?
--> Do something. there's lots of areas/angles to get involved.
Is there anything else you would like to tell me? Any other people I should speak to?
--> There are hundreds of forums where people are doing creative things with film. All could fall under the Fan Film banner in a way, but your definition will define the article. Could tell you about the guy who takes old film and subjects them to chemical baths to manipulate the final projected feature.
--> I'm new to this question answering game, but if you'd like you can read the responses to another questionaire sent over by another story writer recently: http://www.noneinc.com/tBSWM/tBSWM_FAQ.html#Maxim some things repeat some are new, use it to help your next profile puff.
Thank you in advance for your time!
--> How about you show us your current draft. What's your relation to Alan?
Thee mis/dis/information contaminated in this e-me is not confidentially confounded and may or also june be privileged to april. It, %20, is intended for the inclusive exclusive use of the +resseeeee(z sometimes y) and access/manipulation buy many other person/contemporial vehicle/being or diety is unauthorised but done by them anyway.
It is not, could be not, should be not, forget me not intended that this that e me be re-lied grey'd upon without every subsequent stone carved confirmation of its supposed con tents and other camping equipment.
If/When 'u' have received this e-me in 3rr0r, please notify (in stone carved pylinth) thems eventually and forward hand rubbings from your system to spammers everywhere. Please did not not distribute, not not copy, not not circulate, not not use or not not rely on the mis/dis/information contaminated in this e-me.
This e-me is from Thee Aprocryphal Tymes of which they'uv exist and whose ever +ress and contract details be shown ablove may or may not goto line 10.
--> This space intentionally left blank.
What happened when %20 link contacted the bloggin' backstrokers on Sept. 24 to honor past Media Premieres?
On September 24, 1968 60 Minutes premiered. On September 24, 1992 the Sci Fi Channel aired it's first broadcast. Since 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' presentation attempts to join journalistic integrity with a possible alternative future media interaction, %20 took the opportunity to inform the citizen journalistic spirit of blogs of tBSWM. It was the blogosphere which propelled the 'backstroke of the west' into a cultural meme. So the backstroke blogging sites we're
contacted to let them know that the backstroke has been responded to, culturally. Now yes, calling the backstroke blog repeaters, citizen journalism is faulty...
But that's not the point, 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is attempting to be a proof of concept of a possible future of media interaction. Providing the end user with defining the media topic/depth/duration/etc. in which they want to interact. There are plenty of local news outfits producing hundreds of hours of so called news, add in the 24 hour cable news channels who tend to be more opinion then news, the ability to filter these broadcasts to their essential hard news coverage will be a key tool in promoting fact distribution. This can only lead to a more informed electorate and robust democracy.
The honored creation years subtracted or just the day plus one, is the number of blogs contacted. [ see Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets? ] Although some blogs have instant approval, others required review and it's probably just %20 who's interested in this process.
What happened when %20 handed out nine copies w/ questionnaires at the io9.com meet up?

Website io9.com had a meet up for folks into the future. So %20 brought along nine copies of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' with the recently finished questionnaires . Each DVD came with the questionnaires, a self address envelope with Star Wars postage stamp (thanks Mark and Stephanie), and the DVD contained partial inserts of the subway posters. We'll see if anyone wants to help make this kinda thing the future.
Well %20 plucked this up. The Star Wars stamps which add an authentic and relevant touch to the questionnaire's self addressed envelope but they were released in 2007 when postage was 3 cents less then it is today. So unless the people who received the DVD and questionnaire add the 3 cents, these will be lost in the post. My fault. phuck. If these individuals do end up back here at the FAQ contact info their answers can be e-mailed to: " Where should comments/e-mail be sent? "
What happened when %20 handed out copies at the 'Star Wars In Concert'?
When 'Star Wars In Concert' made it's local stop, %20 figured the type of audience who might share a common fascination with the Star Wars phenomenon might be there. So 50 copies were home printed with inserts utilizing the Wallpaper and Subway Posters. Also included were the questionnaires and a self addressed envelope with the correct postage this time..
The verbal tag 'Free Documentary on the Star Wars Phenomenon' ain't catchy but it's what was went with. For the first time actually meet someone who had actually seen the DVD. Got maybe 25 copies into various people's hands before security took an interest. %20 gave him a copy, and was asked to stop handing them out, while he confirmed with whomever that the handing out was acceptable. When they returned they said that the building checked with the show and the show said no.
How this relates to this weeks chapter 2009.11.15-2009.11.21 - 25. Larger View of Censoring Obscenities - Play : Mp4 : Ogv is up to you.
So after the show hung around the parking lot handing out some more. (45 of 50) And as a fitting end we rolled down the windows and left the scene blaring Ackmena's rendition of "Goodnight But Not Goodbye". (listen at http://www.starwarsholidayspecial.com/multimedia.htm)
(thanks to Mark and Stephanie for videoing and moral support)
Is it true that 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is a StarWars-sploitation film?
Were your Ackley appendages attached wrong?
How do you pronounce 'Backslacpkping'?
back-slacp-k-ping : bak-slak-(u)p-kah-pinggG ; verb
I'm not sure. that's a guess, I haven't really had to say it in public yet... If I had too, I would limit the pronunciation of 'U' in up and over stress the PinGGGGG to distract from the garbled middle. The text-2-speech program used for the audio commentary has a version at the beginning.
Because this project was partly a response to teh backstroke of the west, I wanted a back*something* word in the title. This piece began in a shorter form focusing on the mistakes/gaffs by the talking heads. so backslapping seemed appropriate, since the final piece was going to be drawing attention to their reporting errors, they slacked on the facts. The word combination got the final approval when the translator into chinese returned 8 characters.
%20 Honors C&D l33t Week with an interview with RotS l33t Trailer creator m4r(.
One of the ephemeral internet creations which could be attributed with compounding the viral video craze which would spawn free video sites like youtube or dailymotion is the l33t subtitled version of the Star Wars Revenge of the Sith trailer. Created by m4r( (Marc Nuar) an avid gamer. As the internet culture expanded, it left a confusing adjustment period for all involved. Lucasfilm in the depths of the Prequel Trilogy releases felt it necessary to cease and desist m4r('s l33t'd trailer. That letter can be read on m4r('s site along with the translation into l33t sp33k. (http://nuar.lunarpages.com/) The Cease and Desist (C&D) is a tool in the belt of everyone with litigative aspirations or when you find something you don't or can't appreciate and want that action to halt all propagation. %20 interviewed m4r( on his experiences:
%20 : What made you create the trailer?
m4r( : As a Star Wars fan I was very excited when the trailer was released. After watching it several times with friends, all gamers of various sorts, we began making goofy comments about it. Those 'peanut gallery' comments inspired me to create the 133t subtitles for the trailer.
Seems like you had a full month before getting the letter?
Yes, the 133t trailer was up for just over a month before gathering enough attention for Lucasfilm to send the C&D.
How bad was the initial bandwidth hit? How did the setting of mirrors happen?
The first two days were not bad, as I just sent the page to a handful of friends. On the third day bandwidth started jumping upwards with over 1000 downloads, so a few friends volunteered to help by posting mirrors.
How many of them fell to the demand?
Suddenly, about a week after it was posted, it apparently went viral and the views exploded. All of a sudden I was getting hits from dozens of blogs, and even found that I was being linked from the front pages of huge sites like BoingBoing and Digg. In less than a 24 hours period it was downloaded over 10,000 times. My bandwidth (and the bandwidths of my first mirrors) crumpled. As the mirrors began failing, the internet community stepped in, with dozens of people offering to help by mirroring. The demand was too much for most mirrors, bringing down most within just a few days.
Any clue how many views it might have gotten in that first week, month, etc?
The first 5 days totaled about 10,000 downloads.
The first 7 days totaled about 30,000 downloads.
The first 14 days totaled about 120,000 downloads.
The first 25 days totaled about 200,000 downloads
By the time I took it down, after just over a month, it was downloaded an estimated 350,000 times across all mirrors. These number of course, only reflect downloads. I have no estimate for how many times it was torrented or viewed on sites lilke iFilm. All in all, it was quite amazing, considering YouTube didn't even exist yet, and online video was new to many people.
It sounds like there was just the one C&D contact, but how did that contact affect how you've worked afterwards?
Yes, I just got one C&D from Lucasfilm. I just made the whole thing for kicks and it had already gone WAY farther than I had expected, so I was fine with taking it down to avoid any possible legal complications.
Was the supposed violation ever explained further?
No. I even sent two emails to Lucasfilm, but they responded to neither.
Did any of the mirrors get the same C&D?
Not to my knowledge.
What's your opinion of the Cease & Desist process?
The current C&D process set in place by the DMCA may work for corporations, but it can, in essence, bully the individual or small developer by pitting them directly up against the faceless legal department of a behemoth. Lucasfilm was not required to respond to my inquiries and, since I have no legal weight to throw around, did not have to defend their stance.
Do you think you got contacted because of your paypal donation link?
I don't think so, as it wasn't mentioned in the C&D, and many of the mirrors were on business sites and sites with paid advertising. I ended up getting donations that were enough to cover my initial bandwidth overage charges plus another two months of my standard hosting plan
Or was the explosion of mirrors/hits causing a disruption to the official trailer, in your opinion? When you started offering merchandise?
At its peak, my 133t trailer page was showing up as the 3rd Google result when searching for Star Wars trailer. I think that this is probably what triggered the C&D. Even today a the page shows up on the first page of results when Googling for star wars revenge of the sith trailer. lol
Did you track the expansion of your piece as it migrated through the internet/bloggosphere?
I did look at my web stats quite often, especially the referring pages. Google, BoingBoing, and Digg were the top referring sites by volume. There were probably hundreds of forum threads and blogs linking to it.
Any odd places in your opinion where it ended up?
There were links and discussions on it from the official Lucas forums and theForce.net. Many posters there were upset when Lucasfilm sent the takedown notice.
Were you able to discuss the issue with a lawyer? What were their suggestions?
No. I wasn't interested in getting a lawyer, as I had nothing to gain from it. Lucasfilm's lawyers did not respond to my emails. I had just done the whole project as a laugh and I went much, much, much beyond what I had expected. I was pleasantly surprised by how many people had enjoyed it.
How was that process? Did you reply or just follow through with their request?
I just complied with their request. My work was already done. :)
With the 5 year anniversary of the trailer coming up, any plans?
lol. Not really. I've given thought to putting the trailer back up, but there isn't much point to it.
Your initial iFilm.com mirror is now owned by Spike.com which has an exclusive deal with Lucasfilm to air the movies, odd, weird neeto?
Amusing! I find it funny that I have to watch a commercial on their site before it plays the 133t trailer.
Did anyone ask you to l33t speak other trailers or projects?
A few people made suggestions, but I think it was best left as a one-time work.
What would you have changed, now looking back?
I would have changed a few of the translations. lol. A few of them I never really liked, but I didn't think it would matter, as I didn't expect it to become widespread at all. Other than that, it was a fun experience.
What's your opinion of video hosting sites which continue to play the l33t trailer?
Good for them. lol It wasn't my trailer to begin with, so I claim no ownership. The only ones that do irk me are the ones who have watermarked their website name on the bottom of the video or the ones who have replaced the closing credits with their own, claiming to be the creators. But the world is full of uncreative people whose only hope is to try to steal credit for themselves, so I don't pay those much mind.
Why do you continue to keep the take down page alive?
I left it up Because it still gets lots of hits. lol Even now, over 4 years later, it still gets several hundred hits a day (mostly from various google searches now) and I still get an email every few months from someone who enjoyed it or wants to find it.
Well, that was an entertaining trip down memory lane.
Many thanks to m4r( for his time. And if you seek it out, one of the mirrors is still active spreading the subtitled L33t trailer luv.
To continue the re-appropriation spirit of this work, the Intermission of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' takes the RotS Trailer l33t subtitles and composes them over a live performance of the Revenge of the Sith trailer performed at the 2005 Star Wars Celebration.
26. | 01:44:38:25 - 01:47:26:10 | Trailered Intermission : "crapXXor! We got pwn3d!!!1!" :
| Play : Play+ : Mp4 : Ogv |
The Cease and Desist is a tool for anyone. To deny it exists or believe you don't use it is teh suxx.
According to Lucasfilm Representative Steve Sansweet Quote: "Other studios filing cease and desist orders, going after the fans, this isn't what Lucasfilm was about." (quote via: http://www.digitalcity.com/2009/07/28/comic-con-steve-sansweet-on-star-wars-fandom/)
Here is a random selection from teh Lucasfilm Cease and Desists archives.
Quote: "Notice: As of 4/25/05 Lucasfilm Ltd. has requested that all potentially copyrighted materials and links be removed from this site."
Quote: "Jet City, which is part of Wing-It Productions, has been screening old movies and redubbing them live for about seven years. The cease-and-desist letter they received from Lucasfilm Ltd. on Sept. 15 was their first."
Quote: "It looks like the issue that drew LucasFilm Ltd's attention to Diesel Sweeties creator Rich Stevens is a selection of t-shirts by Stevens that LucasFilm believes reference trademarked Star Wars material, albeit in a slightly obtuse way in some cases."
Quote: "Lucasfilm today confirmed it is trying to gain ownership of the domain name from Mount.
"This is not at all unusual We send many cease-and-desist letters to people using domain names that are our registered trademark properties," company spokeswoman Jeanne Cole said. "We vigorously protect our trademarks.""
Quote: "The stories abound across the net, and fear strikes all of us -- another webmaster receives a Cease and Desist (C&D) letter from LucasFilm's (or an affiliated company's) corporate attorneys to pull graphics or a storyline featured on his site."
Quote: "This morning, agents of the FBI and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) executed 10 search warrants across the United States against leading members of a technologically sophisticated P2P network - the final entry in the Star Wars series, "Episode III -Revenge of the Sith," was available for downloading"
Quote: "The fall-out of Lucasfilm's C&D on the fan film would play out for a few years, although now the company sponsors the annual fan film competition beloved by many fan film fans. Still, it's fair to wonder how popular TDR could have become had it not been stalled by Lucas' lawyers. Would it have reached Troops-level icon status?"
But there are also examples of Lucasfilm attempting to key into internet alternatives, like this Obama/Star Wars Luke 'A New Hope' t-shirt design:
General Cease & Desist Information:
A joint project between the Electronic Frontier Foundation and several universities to monitor uses and abuses of intellectual property rights on the internet. Contains a database of cease-and-desist letters to which either senders or recipients can contribute.
Please fill-out the :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E: Questionaire?
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:F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E:
Questionaire - Page 01
A Message from a Maker of Films.
After each of my previous feature presentations, in interviews i've mentioned my desire to return to my roots and continue the experimental direction of my film school education.
The abstract presentation you now hold is one of these projects brought about through a collaborative effort by my Learning Division, several internet companies, media producers and other willing participants in the expansion of human exploration through learning.
Lucas Learning has in the past focused on the promotion of K-12 educational development. This project is the beginning of the Adult Education and Research Expansion Pack*. The enclosed material is a first look at the end product of a possible interactive video experience which mines the depths of societies media output. Taking that detritus and searching / cutting up / recompiling that material to seek out themes and memes of society. This version caters towards the Star Wars phenomenon, but hopefully any topic can get the same treatment, just as simply as using a textual search engine.
Thank you for participating. May the Search Be With You.
Also at this time, i'd be appreciative if you could fill out the below questionaire which is the beginning of an investigation into creating a dedicated TV channel to showcase Star Wars and other Lucasfilm Licensed Material.
Please select your preferred method for watching the Lucasfilm / Star Wars TV Channel?
Would not subscribe ___ Monthly Subscription ___ On-Demand ___
Would you change cable / satellite / internet / phone service provider to gain access to the dedicated Lucasfilm / Star Wars TV Channel?
Yes ___ No ___
Please check the type of programming you'd be interested in watching.
Star Wars Movies : Episodes 1-6 (A New Hope : Empire Strikes Back : The Phantom Menace) ___
Star Wars : Live Action Features (Holiday Special : Ewok Movies : GL's Super Live Adventure) ___
Star Wars : Animated Features (The Clone Wars : Ewoks and Droids Cartoons) ___
StarWars.Com Web Videos (Lynne Hale Diaries : Making Ofs : Rancho Obi-wan) ___
Making of Specials - Official (The Making of Star Wars : Special FX ESB : Classic Creatures) ___
Special Effect Programing (Clapperboard ESB : Horizon - How To Film the Impossible : ) ___
Award Programming (Academy Awards : Visual Effects Society Awards : MTV Awards) ___
Video Game Programming (Gaming Features : Speed Runs) ___
Collector Programming (Hasbro Features : Lego Programming) ___
Movie Reviews (Ebert & Roeper : Local Broadcasts) ___
Cast & Crew Interviews ___
News Segments (60 Minutes ; Local News Segments) ___
TV or Movie Reference Clips (30 Rock, : Buffy : Clerks : Independence Day : Space Camp) ___
Commercial Material (Trailers : Kenner Commercial : Food Tie-Ins) ___
SW Rip Offs / Take Offs (Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam : Star Crash : Uchu Kara No Messegi) ___
Fan Documentaries - Culture (Tatooine Or Bust : Heart of an Empire : StarWoids) ___
Fan Documentaries - Film Production (Deleted Magic : Building Empire : Returning to Jedi) ___
Fan Movies (Revelations : IMPS : Pink Five) ___
Fan Edits (Adywan : Jedi Love) ___
Special Features (ANH : Lost Cut : Archive Material : Cut Scenes) ___
Other - Please Specify
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:F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E:
Questionaire - Page 02
* NOTE : The enclosed DVD's presentation is the first step in a longer process. Comments provided at this juncture will have significant weight to the future of this project. Also it's not recommended to be watched in one sitting. Peruse the chapter titles and if one sounds interesting try it out.
After watching some of the DVD please continue with the questionaire.
Would you be interested in using an online search engine which could compile a video program on your desired topic utilizing online video repositories?
Yes ___ No ___
Since the video search feature will be highly computational, how long would you wait for the search result program to be returned?
Max. 5 minutes ___ Max. 30 minutes ___ Max. 2 days ___
Where you able to comprehend the audio commentary track?
Yes ___ No ___
Did you view any of the non-native tongue subtitles?
Yes ___ No ___
Did you view any of the non-native tongue subtitles?
Yes ___ No ___
Please rate your interest in a similarly construction DVD but who's dedicated main topic was media programming from the Original Trilogy Era. (ANH : ESB : ROTJ - 1977 thru 1987)
No Interest ___ Partly Interested ___ Very Interested ___
Please add any other comments you find appropriate:
If you would like your answers responded too, please provide contact information:
Can we share these answers with our collaborative partners? (Lucasfilm Ltd. : Lucas Learning : Google : Microsoft : Yahoo : YouTube : Daily Motion : Archive.org : public internet)
Yes ___ No ___
Thank you for participating in a future exploration of media interaction.
Data collection & analysis to be conducted by:
Thee Backslacpkping With Media : noneinc.com
Contact : pl1x@earthlink.net (pee . el . one . ex)
Please fill-out the 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Questionaire?
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Thee Backslacpkping With Media
Questionaire - Page 01
A Message from a Maker of Films.
To fullfil the Adult Education and Research Expansion Pack, who's video search component will hopefully go fully functional and available online in the near future. The enclosed presentation showcases how the search system can help inform those who want to be more informed.
Using 'Star Wars' as the main search query, and probing the depths of media released around the release of Revenge of the Sith, this presentation investigates societal themes and memes which surfaced in the media representation of the Star Wars phenomenon.
Please rate the coincidence factor, that the May 19, 2005 installation of John C. Richter as Acting Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice as a precursor to the May 26, 2005 Operation D-Elite takedown of Elite Torrents, because of the leak online of 'Revenge of the Sith':
No coincidence ___ Semi-coincidental ___ Very coincidental ___
Please rate John C. Richter's May 19, 2005 Summit of Pornography: Obscenity Enforcement, Corporate Participation, and Violence Against Women and Children:
Not successful ___ Adequately Successful ___ Very Successful ___
Please rate Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement's policy initiatives to prosecute and jail U.S. citizens because of internet communications:
Not successful ___ Adequately Successful ___ Very Successful ___
Please rate the FBI's Cyber Division's prosecution of the' Revenge of the Sith' leak case:
Not successful ___ Adequately Successful ___ Very Successful ___
Was the sentencing (jail time, home detention and fines) of the 'Revenge of the Sith' leakers:
Lenient ___ Appropriate ___ Severe ___
Should Lucasfilm Ltd. have carried out prosecution against the 'Revenge of the Sith'' leakers instead of the U.S. Government?
Yes ___ No ___
What is RTJKJAS?
F.B.I. website take-down code ___
Resident of Jabba's Sail Barge ___
Return To Justice, Know Jesus As Savior ___
Other ___
Has Lucasfilm Ltd.'s Cease & Desist-ing of the l33t trailer of Revenge of the Sith, sent the appropriate message to creators?
Yes ___ No ___
Should George Lucas's concern for the preservation of movies, be expanded to any Star Wars related media, even if not produced by Lucasfilm Ltd?
Yes ___ No ___
Should the MPAA and the Chinese Government combine their efforts to limit the stream of illegal movies which enter the public sphere?
Yes ___ No ___
Although Operation D-Elite occurred because of the leak of Revenge of the Sith, in some of the court cases against the leakers, Revenge of the Sith was not mentioned. Do you find this to be:
Irrelevant ___ Convient ___ Odd ___
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Thee Backslacpkping With Media
Questionaire - Page 02
* NOTE : This presentation is a continuation of the dialog between the final Star Wars movie, the actions which took place because of it (Cease & Desist of l33t Trailer, Operation D-Elite & backstroke of the west subtitles) and societies response. Please discussion continue.
Have you seen or read the 'backstroke of the west' subtitles?
Yes ___ No ___
Can you read Galactic Basic?
Yes ___ No ___
Would you consider 'Thee Backslacpking With Media' a Video Mixtape?
Yes ___ No ___
Do you view the contents of this DVD as Willful Copyright Infringement?
Yes ___ No ___
Do you consider this DVD presentation as an example of 'Classic Fair Use'?
Yes ___ No ___
Do you agree that since this DVD is dedicated to the Public Domain : Creative Commons License Zero that you are able to freely distribute copies without the creators authorization?
Yes ___ No ___
Would you consider the Support Creatives initiative?
Yes ___ No ___
Please add any other comments you find appropriate:
If you would like your answers responded too, please provide contact information:
Is %20 more:
Consumer Whore ___ Corporate Shill ___ Wannabee Cultural Chimera ___
Data collection & analysis to be conducted by:
Thee Backslacpkping With Media : noneinc.com
Contact : pl1x@earthlink.net (pee . el . one . ex)
Is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' a Video MixTape (VMT)?
That's for the Video MixTape traders to decide. But %20 has been influenced by the Video MixTape scene. In addition to the varied sourced media onslaught and hard cut pacing, 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' assigns no category to it's recycled presentation, anything was at play and hard content combinations/juxtapositions do occur, often the hallmark of VMTs ability to play with content on opposite ends of the age scale. tBSWM also continues the complex bizarre titling tradition other Video MixTapes have used to carve out their space in the videoverse database. According to the VMT wiki entry, "video mixtures are released for the video geeks", this might explain why the Star Wars internet culture have predominantly ignored/shy'd away from tBSWM, so far. This is where tBSWM begins to verge from the VMT culture, it's a bit over structured. It also abuses the internet video resources which are often seen by VMT creators as not obscure enough, but it also has reviewed those databanks so thoroughly that forgotten or little viewed clips might gain VMT editor approval. Either way, is it really that interesting... Probably not, it could be like the Fan Edit terminology, the 2000+ internet generation is creating their own terms to promulgate their creations. If the works garner enough interest/creativity to create a split off the Tree of the Appropriated Arts, is something only time will tell. Is Video Compilation any better a term then Video MixTape or Video Mix Tape? Blah.
tBSWM Subway Posters
tBSWM Wallpaper
Please Help Celebrate Annual 'End of Recording' June 4th Backslacpkping Giving/Selling Day?
To Celebrate the 'End of Recording' (I.E. the death of the Magnavox VCR) please download 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media', burn a copy and give away or sell copies to anyone willing to watch.
Good places to give away or sell the disc are Tianan Square, Beijing; Time Square, New York; Main Street, Anywhere.
Images courtesy of : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/200401-beijing-tianan-square-overview.jpg
Chapter of the Week - Viewing Schedule - 2009.05 thru 2010.05
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' because of it's length and breath, might be better digested in smaller chunks. Below is a schedule so that over the course of a year, in which one chapter a week is watched, by the 5th anniversary of 'Revenge of the Sith' you'll have a better understanding of the media created by anyone/everyone about the Star Wars phenomenon at the time the film franchise closed it's curtains.
2009.05.10-2009.05.16 | 00. | Introduction Video | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.05.17-2009.05.23 | 01. | Long | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.05.24-2009.05.30 | 02. | Intro Explanation | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.05.31-2009.06.06 | 03. | Crawls | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.06.07-2009.06.13 | 04. | Narrative, Montage | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.06.14-2009.06.20 | 05. | Siths (Talking Heads) | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.06.21-2009.06.27 | 06. | Jar-Jar | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.06.28-2009.07.04 | 07. | Hype | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.07.05-2009.07.11 | 07a. | Fan Lines VS Perception | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.07.12-2009.07.18 | 08. | More Siths (Filmatic) | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.07.19-2009.07.25 | 08a. | Hayden Christensen Intro | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.07.26-2009.08.01 | 09. | $ | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.08.02-2009.08.08 | 10. | Epitome Strikes Backward (Striking Epitome) | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.08.09-2009.08.15 | 11. | Darth Vader | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.08.16-2009.08.22 | 12. | Politics Mis-Reporting | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.08.23-2009.08.29 | 13. | DV/Toys/Yoda | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.08.30-2009.09.05 | 14. | Hayden's Fame-enting | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.09.06-2009.09.12 | 15. | DV's Suit Hayden Transformation | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.09.13-2009.09.19 | 16. | Five Hundred and One Stormtroopers | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.09.20-2009.09.26 | 17. | Geek Solo Star Han Trek Brand | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.09.27-2009.10.03 | 18. | Chewbacca | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.10.04-2009.10.10 | 19. | Character Marketing & Impersonations | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.10.11-2009.10.17 | 20. | William's Music | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.10.18-2009.10.24 | 21. | Gay Droid Expo | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.10.25-2009.10.31 | 22. | Induced Drug Moments | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.11.01-2009.11.07 | 23. | Short Trip to the Dark Side | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.11.08-2009.11.14 | 24. | The Lightsaber | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.11.15-2009.11.21 | 25. | Larger View of Censoring Obscenities | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.11.22-2009.11.28 | 26. | Trailered Intermission | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.11.29-2009.12.05 | 27. | Downloading/Pirating/Those Fans | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
> 2009.12.06-2009.12.12 | 28. | Hair Leia | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.12.13-2009.12.19 | 29. | Made for Crossing Cultural Boundaries | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.12.20-2009.12.26 | 30. | Sick | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2009.12.27-2010.01.02 | 31. | Sex | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.01.03-2010.01.09 | 32. | Line Life and Beyond | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.01.10-2010.01.16 | 33. | Sith Who | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.01.17-2010.01.23 | 34. | Extreme Fan | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.01.24-2010.01.30 | 35. | Opening Intro's New Hope Impact | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.01.31-2010.02.06 | 36. | Tragic Backstory Cross Endeavour Independence | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.02.07-2010.02.13 | 36a. | More Sithing | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.02.14-2010.02.20 | 37. | At and In the Theaters | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.02.21-2010.02.27 | 38. | MTFBWY | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.02.28-2010.03.06 | 39. | Geek | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.03.07-2010.03.13 | 40. | Women Online / Female Involvement | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.03.14-2010.03.20 | 41. | Media Questioning | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.03.21-2010.03.27 | 42. | Generational Fan Bases | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.03.28-2010.04.03 | 43. | Space Cowboy/Opera/Myth | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.04.04-2010.04.10 | 44. | I am your father | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.04.11-2010.04.17 | 45. | Seeing Again ... the One Six | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.04.18-2010.04.24 | 46. | How many films? | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.04.25-2010.05.01 | 47. | Outro | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.05.09-2010.05.15 | 48. | Credits : | Play : Mp4 : Ogv |
2010.05.19 | Revenge of the Sith Premiered : May 19, 2005. |
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' was produced for the memory/dedication of?
In Memory of: 1337 m4r(; Jason Everett Spatafore; Albert Valente, Jessie I. Lumada, Ramon G. Valdez, Michael J. Fousse, Dwight Wayne Sityar, Stephani Reiko Gima, Joel De Sagun Dimaano, Marc D. Hoaglin; Scott McCausland, Grant T. Stanley, Daniel Dove, An Duc Do, Scott D. Harvanek, Samm Kuonen & unknowns & the subtitlers in chinese of 'the backstroke of the west'.
Public Assignments
DVD mules WANTED 4 S.D.C.C.
The Plea:
Help 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' by taking a few copies (burn your own or i'll send you some) to San Diego Comic Con. Give to the type of individual who might appreciate an experience such as this one.
Results : Success! %20's essential being is now dedicated to thee DVD mules who offered up their valuable time and energy to complete this plea. Thee DVD mules have performed beyond all reason, truly exemplary actions have been carried out, and %20 is humbled to know that such valuable individuals still exists. Thank You.
Order 725
The Plea:
Help promote alternative/independent Star Wars fan film / fan edit / fan video / fan media culture.
The Play:
Get the logo of your favorite Atom Film failing Star Wars fan film / fan edit / fan video / fan media (which 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media is one) into the G4 coverage of Star Wars San Diego Comic-Con Spectacular.
The Ploy:
Print out the logo (tBSWM supplied here: tBSWM-Logo.rar) and figure out a creative way to get the logo on screen. Paste it to a column, tape it on someone's back or just wave it like a maniac. (at an appropriate time)
The Not:
This declaration/action is not about upstaging the event, so sticking the logo on the camera is not helpful. The idea is to gain a wider public awareness of films which were not included.
Success can be viewed in different forms. 1. Longevity, 2. Location, 3. Size when on screen.
So bring a logo, (a portable device playing the actual film is ok too.) and 'do what must be done'.
Results : Tentative Fail...
Save As : tBSWM-Logo.rar : Be Creative
Odd Facts
Broadcast Period: 2/2005 thru 6/2005
Sources: 702+ Instances
All Materials Up/Downsourced to mini-DV
Edits: 1,666+
Average Clip Length: 8.15 Seconds
Trailer Location: Menu 2, Button '$' --> Right
Censor Location: Menu 1, Button 'Intro' --> Right or Menu 4, Button 'Jar-Jar' --> Right
Bonus Location: About 4, Active --> Down or About 4, Main Menu --> Up
(00:00:00) What is the opening blip-vert? :
Quote: "I am very concerned about our natural heritage, and I am very concerned that films that I watched when I was young and the films that I watched throughout my life are preserved, so that my children can see them." -George Lucas"
(00:03:09) What is 'Star Wars'? : ....
(00:06:51) What is 'Attack of the Blynth'? : ....
(00:19:42) How much money is mentioned in the '$' Chapter? : A Jabba-sized $99,635,000,162.70 and a bajil-gazillion dollars more.
(00:23:42) Who likes to Mod little girls? : Kevin Rose of digg.com.
(00:28:30) How does Democracy, Liberty & Freedom die? : Thunderous Applause!
(00:48:10) Are all of the 501st Stormtroopers represented? : Maybe, join the count in the audio commentary...
(01:03:48) Who likes Wookiee love? : Seth Green of Robot Chicken.
(01:10:55) Who is the Unsmiley Face Guy? : The SUPER SUCKLORD aka Morgan Phillips creator of 'Star Wars Breakbeats' & the radical GAY EMPIRE: HOMO-TROOPER action figure. (http://www.suckadelic.com)
(01:11:15) What are the Vaders trying to spell out? : (don't know)
(01:16:15) Who is this guy acting out Star Wars dressed in black? : Charles Ross of the 'One Man Star Wars' theatrical production.
(01:19:22) Are faggots really everywhere as mentioned in 'Revenge of the Fag'? : Depends on who you ask...
(01:22:09) Nerf-Herders Anonymous Star Wars Reference and Actor Database Author, L. Mangue
(01:29:14) Who is fighting with the Saber-Spoons? : John Lasseter of Pixar & ?.
(01:39:00) Who are these two? : Chris Gore & Dr. Michio Kaku
(01:46:58) When the studios won't give permission
(01:47:25) Michael Rubin who wrote 'droidMAKER: George Lucas and the Digital Revolution'
(01:49:23) What did that blip-vert say? :
The characters and events in this photoplay are ficticious. Any similarity to actual events and persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
As stated on all badges, all attendees of Celebration III and Gen Con Indy, consented to being recorded (by audio, visual, and/or other means) for exhibition and exploitation by any means in all media.
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition may result in civil and criminal prosecution.
(02:02:40) What is the G.N.A.A.? : The Gay Nigger Association of America
(02:05:25) Who is this "Tool of Satan" guy? : "It's no JOKE - if you believe in The FORCE, you will go to HELL"
(02:10:58) What is that blip-vert? : Star Whore's 3 : 'Revenge of the Syph' screen cap
(02:18:19) What is that great song and who sings it? : Princess Leia's 'Life Day' Celebratory song from the Star Wars : Holiday Special.
(03:06:24) What is the 'Next Film'? : "The Empire Strikes Back"
(03:14:44) Who wrote the 'Geeking out' vs. 'Vegging out' piece in the commentary track? : Neal Stephenson - Op-Ed New York Times - 2005.06.17
How long did the production of "Thee Backslacpkping With Media' take?
2001 - 'Star Wars : A Quicktime File' experimental fan film created (bonus feature)
2005.03 - 2005.06 - Recorded tv using couple vcrs and a miniDV camera, would let them run for 6 hours recording several channels which might have SW content. Then after work and in the morning before work, would watch those recordings on FFD looking for mentions. When found those would be dumped to the miniDV camera and moved to iMovie. Also looked for Star Wars media on websites.
2005.09.04 - Began preliminary editing
2005.09.05 - Continued editing
2005.09.10 - More editing
2005.09.11 - Yet even more editing
2005.09.17 - Some editing
2005.09.18 - Yeah editing
2005.09.21 - Continued editing
2005.09.22 - One edit finalized today!
2005.09.23 - Continued editing
2005.09.24 - Continued editing
2005.09.25 - Continued editing
2005.09.27 - Continued editing
2005.09.29 - Continued editing
2005.09.30 - Continued editing
2005.10.01 - Continued editing
2005.10.02 - Continued editing
2005.10.07 - Continued editing
2005.10.08 - Continued editing
2005.10.09 - Continued editing
2005.10.22 - Continued editing
2005.10.23 - Continued editing
2005.10.24 - Continued editing
2005.10.26 - Continued editing
2005.10.29 - Continued editing
2005.10.30 - After Effects work begins - modify online help file to create crawl
2005.11.04 - Illustrator - set Chinese tBSWM logo
2005.11.05 - After Effects work
2005.11.06 - After Effects work
2005.11.16 - After Effects work
2005.11.17 - Continued editing
2005.11.18 - Continued editing
2005.11.23 - Continued editing
2005.11.24 - Continued editing
2005.11.25 - Continued editing
2005.11.26 - Continued editing
2005.11.27 - Continued editing
2005.11.30 - After Effects work
2005.12.01 - Continued editing
2005.12.03 - Continued editing - After Effects work
2005.12.04 - Continued editing - After Effects work
2005.12.08 - Continued editing
2005.12.09 - Continued editing
2005.12.10 - Continued editing - After Effects work
1005.12.11 - Photoshop / Illustrator work - begin working on cover design
2005.12.12 - After Effects work
2005.12.13 - After Effects work - first pass at credits - figure out how to export frames for cover
2005.12.31 - Continued editing - After Effects work
| .
2006.01.02 - Continued editing
2006.01.08 - Continued editing
2006.01.15 - Continued editing
2006.01.21 - Continued editing
2006.01.22 - Create Trailer by cross cutting Henry Hills' "Money" with "$" Chapter
2006.02.02 - Continued editing
2006.02.11 - After Effects work
2006.02.12 - After Effects work
2006.02.18 - Began Transcribing
2006.02.19 - More transcribing - First attempt at subtitles. Researched online, tried Belle Nuit Subtitler 1.7.5.
2006.02.20 - Transcribing Finished
2006.03.04 - After Effects work
2006.03.05 - After Effects work - Photoshop logo ideas
2006.03.06 - Logo ideas
2006.03.09 - Cover work
2006.03.12 - After Effects work - Convert crawl to be video snippets - Cover work
2006.03.16 - After Effects work
2006.03.17 - After Effects work
2006.03.18 - After Effects work - Begin menu animations
2006.03.22 - Menu work
2006.03.26 - After Effects work
2006.03.27 - After Effects work
2006.03.28 - Chinese babelfish Translation Begins - After Effects work
2006.03.30 - After Effects work
2006.03.31 - Chinese Translation continues
2006.04.01 - After Effects work - Illustrator crawl ideas
2006.04.02 - After Effects work
2006.04.03 - After Effects work
2006.04.04 - After Effects work
2006.04.07 - After Effects work
2006.04.08 - After Effects work
2006.04.09 - After Effects work
2006.04.10 - After Effects work
2006.04.14 - After Effects work
2006.04.15 - Attempt to create Audio Commentary, fails miserable - After Effects work
2006.04.22 - Cover work - Illustrator
2006.04.23 - Cover work - Illustrator
2006.04.25 - After Effects work - realize that the crawl is phucked as new material is added to the editing process - Illustrator credits
2006.05.06 - Continued editing
2006.05.07 - Continued editing - second attempt at Audio Commentary... fail
2006.05.09 - Continued editing
2006.05.13 - Continued editing
2006.05.14 - Continued editing
2006.05.15 - Continued editing
2006.05.17 - Continued editing
2006.05.20 - Continued editing
2006.05.21 - Continued editing
2006.05.24 - Continued editing
2006.05.26 - Continued editing
2006.06.09 - Learned that iMovieHD does not accept the old iMovie file names... Contemplate manually fixing every link to correct some odd transposing textual error. - Web searching for help/fix.
2006.06.16 - Found "iMovie file fixers for OS X" (turns out the problem is that since the project was on an external HD which was formated in a way iMovieHD didn't like so it didn't re-find the clips...) - Continued editing
2006.06.17 - Continued editing
2006.06.25 - Continued editing
2006.07.03 - Continued editing
2006.07.04 - Continued editing
2006.07.15 - Continued editing
2006.07.16 - Continued editing
2006.08.19 - Continued editing
2006.08.20 - Continued editing
2006.08.29 - Continued editing
2006.09.06 - Continued editing
2006.09.07 - Continued editing
2006.09.08 - Continued editing
2006.09.09 - Continued editing
2006.09.16 - After Effects / Illustrator work - version 2 of the crawl begins
2006.09.23 - Continued editing
2006.09.30 - After Effects work
2006.10.01 - Continued editing - Added "Spat Cave" clips
2006.10.08 - Chinese Translation continues - After Effects work
2006.10.10 - After Effects work
2006.10.11 - After Effects work
2006.10.14 - Began learning Final Cut Pro - After Effects work
2006.10.15 - After Effects / Illustrator work
2006.10.28 - Began learning DVD Studio Pro
2006.10.28 - DVDSP work
2006.11.04 - DVDSP work - Chinese Translation continues
2006.11.12 - Chinese Translation continues
2006.11.24 - Continued editing - Added "George and Me" & "A Great Disturbance" clips
2006.11.25 - Chinese Translation continues
2006.12.09 - DVDSP work - Chinese Translation continues
2006.12.10 - DVDSP work
2006.12.18 - DVDSP - began Subtitling
2006.12.20 - Subtitling - Chinese Translation continues
2006.12.21 - Subtitling
2006.12.29 - Set up Chapter Markers - Subtitling
2006.12.30 - Subtitling
2006.12.31 - Subtitling
| .
2007.01.05 - Chinese babelfish Translation Finished
2007.01.06 - Subtitling - Chingrish Translation Begins & Ends
2007.01.07 - Subtitling
2007.01.09 - Subtitling
2007.01.11 - Subtitling
2007.01.13 - Subtitling
2007.01.14 - Subtitling
2007.01.20 - DVDSP work
2007.01.21 - After Effects work
2007.01.28 - After Effects work
2007.01.31 - DVDSP work - After Effects work
2007.02.01 - After Effects / Illustrator work
2007.02.03 - After Effects work
2007.02.04 - DVDSP work
2007.02.10 - DVDSP work
2007.02.11 - DVDSP work
2007.02.18 - After Effects work
2007.02.19 - Subtitling - After Effects work
2007.02.25 - Subtitling - After Effects work
2007.03.03 - Subtitling Preliminarily Finished - After Effects work
2007.03.04 - DVDSP work - After Effects work
2007.04.01 - First post about project to OriginalTrilogy.com
2007.04.28 - After Effects / Illustrator work - Realize that the menus i've created are going to get serious cropped off when shown on an typical tube tv... phuck
2007.04.29 - DVDSP work
2007.05.05 - DVDSP work
2007.05.06 - DVDSP work
2007.05.07 - DVDSP work
2007.05.09 - DVDSP work
2007.05.11 - DVDSP work
2007.05.12 - DVDSP work
2007.05.13 - DVDSP work
2007.06.02 - After Effects work
2007.06.09 - After Effects work
2007.06.10 - After Effects / Illustrator work
2007.06.16 - After Effects work
2007.06.19 - DVDSP work
2007.06.20 - DVDSP work
2007.06.30 - DVDSP work - Collect Audio Commentary transcripts
2007.07.01 - Write / Collect Audio Commentary transcripts - text-to-speech Audio Commentary Information
2007.07.02 - DVDSP work - Write / Collect Audio Commentary transcripts
2007.07.03 - Write / Collect Audio Commentary transcripts - text-to-speech Audio Commentary Information
2007.07.04 - Write Audio Commentary
2007.07.08 - Write Audio Commentary
2007.07.14 - Write Audio Commentary
2007.07.16 - text-to-speech Audio Commentary Information
2007.07.17 - text-to-speech Audio Commentary Information
2007.07.20 - text-to-speech Audio Commentary Information
2007.07.21 - Begin editing Audio Commentary track
2007.07.22 - Audio Commentary work
2007.08.26 - Photoshop Cover work
<-- Real Life (ie work that pays) Intervenes -->
| .
2008.01.06 - Audio Commentary work
2008.01.26 - Audio Commentary work
2008.02.23 - Audio Commentary work
2008.04.01 - Second post to OriginalTrilogy.com
<-- Real Life (ie work that pays) Intervenes -->
2009.01.19 - Audio Commentary work
2009.02.04 - Audio Commentary work
2009.02.05 - Audio Commentary work
2009.02.06 - Audio Commentary work
2009.02.07 - DVDSP work
2009.02.08 - Audio Commentary Finished
2009.02.10 - Photoshop stuff for webpage
2009.02.11 - FAQ work - screw up original version after working most of the day by resaving to include Chinese fonted information... now it doesn't load in browser...
2009.02.12 - FAQ work - After Effects work
2009.02.13 - FAQ work
2009.02.14 - FAQ work
2009.02.15 - FAQ work - Censor Clip work begins
2009.02.16 - Censor Clip work
2009.02.17 - DVDSP work - Censor Clip Finished
2009.02.18 - DVDSP work - After Effects modify credits
2009.02.19 - DVDSP work
2009.02.20 - After Effects work
2009.02.21 - DVDSP work, FAQ work
2009.02.23 - DVDSP work
2009.02.24 - DVDSP work
2009.02.25 - Audio Commentary tweaked - Credits tweaked
2009.02.26 - DVDSP work - Realized that the chapter markers are now one or two frames off... phuck. FAQ work
2009.02.27 - DVDSP work - trying to figure out dual layer break layer point. FAQ work
2009.02.28 - DVDSP work - trying to figure out dual layer break layer point.
2009.03.01 - DVDSP work - Audio Commentary tweaked - Gave up trying to fix chapter markers, focus on compression settings to get disc to fit.
2009.03.02 - FAQ work - Spend most of the morning coming to the realization that none of the software i've got FCP, DVDSP, VLC, quicktime... none of them will burn in subtitles. End up screen capturing to get chinese burned in subtitles for chapters which will be available from the FAQ. But do find out Ogg has a new video codec named Theora (after the character from Max Headroom!)
2009.03.03 - Website work
2009.03.04 - Fiddling with compression settings to fit onto DVD. FAQ work
2009.03.05 - Fiddling with compression settings to fit onto DVD
2009.03.06 - Manipulate settings to fit DVD_ROM material, and figure out Break Layer point.
2009.03.08 - Finalize cover / disc / insert artwork
2009.03.10 - Thee Backslacpkping With Media has been compressed and a successful test burn has been completed. Start to burn copies to send out... Turns out the new Sony media discs don't work.
2009.03.11 - Roxio Toasts has an upgrade, installed, still the discs won't burn. Go to Staples buy some Memorex, they work. Burn copies (at a blistering 2x) to mail out while printing out the cover and inserts. Each disc is about 30-40 minutes and the printing is about the same. it's a slow printer.
2009.03.12 - Finish burning and printing, 20 copies. Sent out e-mails to offer free copies to people. (19 e-mails, 4 people accept a free copy...)
2009.03.13 - Mailed out 11 copies. Two to the copyright office, 4 to the people who accepted the offer and 5 to several unsuspecting people or organizations.
2009.04.01 - 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is officially released!
What Media (TV/Movie/Internet) personalities makes an appearances in 'The Backslacpkping with Media'?
Starring - SW People- George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Jonathan Rinzler -SW Actors- Hayden Christensen, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, David Prowse, Peter Mayhew, Samuel Jackson, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid, Jimmy Smits, Frank Oz, Ewan McGregor -Celebrities- William Shatner, Tom Hanks, Ron Howard, Steven Speilberg, James Cameron, Peter Jackson -Late Nights- David Letterman, Paul Schaffer, Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmell, Craig Ferguson -Fox- Penny Crone, Jodie Applegate -G4:AotS- Sarah Lane, Kevin Perrera -Today- (Jim Bell exec producer) Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Ann Curry, Al Roker, Bob Dotson, Jamie Gangel -Others- Xeni Jardin ABC people: -Good Morning America Robin -, Charlie _, Diane Sawyer, Guy, Sandy Kenyon, Steve, Laure, Sree, Joel Siegel, Diana Williams, Sade Baderinwa, Charles Gibson, Liz Cho -This Week- George Stephanopoulos Access Hollywood Nancy O¡Dell, Billy Bogg, Tony Potts, Shawn Robinson Bob Schaffer, Bill Whitaker -Attack of the Show- Kevin Pereira, Sarah Lane, Brendan Moran -Business Week- Brad Holbrook, Jill Bennett CBS News Bob Schieffer The Early Show Julie Chen, Harry Smith, Hannah Storm, Rene Syler, Dave Price Sunday Morning Nancy Giles, Bob Schieffer Wake Up Call CNBC Fox Brenda Buttner, Bill McCuddy -Ebert & Roeper- Roger Ebert, Richard Roeper Shon Gables -CNN- Anderson Cooper, -American Morning- Miles O'Brien, Soledad O'Brien -CNN Today- Daryn Kagan -CNN Headline News- Robin Meade, -Showbiz Tonight- A.J. Hammer, -CNN Sunday Morning- Bettty Nguyen, Tony Harris -Extra TV- Dayna Devon Summer Movie Magic David Sheehan Ellen Ellen Degeneras, Jimmy Smits Entertainment Tonight Mary Hart, Mark Steines, Leonard Maltin, Fox & Friends E.D. Hill, Steven Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, Kiran Chetry, Lauren Green, Julian Phillips Good Day New York Jodie Applegate, Fox People Dari Alexander, Jodie Applegate, Dick Brennan, Lyn Brown, Lisa Cabrera, Andrea Day, Naamua Delaney, Lisa Evers, James Ford, Stacy-Ann Gooden, Nick Gregory, Karen Hepp, Tracy Humphrey, Lucy Noland, Rosanna Scotto, Mike Woods Cavuto Neil Cavuto Icons X-Play Adam Sessler, Morgan Webb Filter Diane Mizota Electric Playground Tommy Tallarico, Victor Lucas, Julie Stoffer, Jade Raymond, Geoff Keighley Hannity & Combs Paul Hannity, Alan Combs -MSNBC- Dan Abrams, Lisa Daniels, Lester Holt, Keith Olbermann, Joe Scarborough, John Seigenthaler, Alison Stewart, Sharon Tay, Alex Witt, -NB-C Brian Williams, The O.C. Teen Kid News UPN News
Why did 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Trailer not meet the criteria for the Official Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge hosted by Atom Films and Lucas Films Limited? (website error is as was sent)
Quote :
Subject : Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge
From : aswfilm@mtvstaff.com
"Dear Star Wars Fan Movie Maker,
Thank you for submitting your Star Wars fan movie!
While it didn't meet our criteria for this round, the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge now accepts submissions year-round.
In many cases, some simple edits may make your film eligible. For example:
Does your film have any visible copyrighted logos or trademarks (e.g. a Coca-Cola bottle)?
Is the sound in your film clear, and not muddy?
Do you use copyrighted music? (NOTE: Use of Star Wars music does not mean immediate disqualification)
Unfortunately, we cannot speak with each filmmaker individually or make specific recommendations. If you're looking for advice, watch the films that are accepted (http://stawars.atomfilms.com). See what they have in common. Learn from what they do well.
The Force is with you, and we look forward to seeing what you can create!
Why is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' not in the LucasFilm Ltd. Star Wars fan movie library?
A courtesy copy was sent (2009.03.13) to Lucasfilm Ltd, so that they were aware of the impending release, with the following letter.
To whom it may concern,
Enclosed please find a copy of the fan production "Thee Backslacpkping With Media" for you Star Wars fan movie library. If one does not exist, then please give to someone who likes to watch tv.
Everything was returned on 2009.04.30 (post marked 2009.04.27) with the following correspondence.
April 24, 2009
The material you sent to George Lucas has been forwarded to me for a response. We appreciate your interest in our company; however, because your correspondence contains unsolicited creative ideas or projects, we must return your material to you unread. Accordingly, you will find your materials enclosed.
Lucasfilm has a long-standing policy of returning any unsolicited submission, idea, or project without reading or reviewing it. We hope you understand our need to consistently apply this policy.
We appreciate your interest in our company and hope you maintain your enthusiasm for our productions. Thank you for your interest in Lucasfilm.
Lucasfilm Ltd., Business Affairs
In crawl form
What is Thee next project by %20 & :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E:?
Has 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' been reviewed by tOftMoGITC?
Public Officers, Yu and Mi, of the Office for the Maintenance of Global Integrity Thru Censorship have reviewed/cleaned this product according to the required standards of decency and moral integritude.
: Authorized for distribution through the Great Golden Shield : to be sold at man stands down tank Square :
: Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Commission for the Comprehensive Management of Social Security :
: The Great Firewall of the People's Republic of China : Modifying your Digital Versatile Disc Menus : is a Posse, Stealing your star wars :
How has the 'Support Creatives' initiative helped the creator of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
On 2009.06.20, %20 was given a dollar. (SN: D93936887F)
Where should comments/e-mail be sent?
E-mail Address : p-l-1-x-@-e-a-r-t-h-l-i-n-k-.-n-e-t (pee el one ex)
Subject Heading : tBSWM (other subject headings will most likely be filtered out)
List of FAQ Changes
2009.12.06 - New
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is a Sequel?
2009.11.29 - Updated
What happened when %20 sent 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' to the Library of Congress and the United States Copyright Office?
What have people said about 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
2009.11.24 - New
%20 Honors C&D l33t Week with an interview with RotS l33t Trailer creator m4r(.
2009.11.21 - New
What happened when %20 handed out copies at the 'Star Wars In Concert'?
2009.11.18 - New
What happened when %20 handed out nine copies w/ questionnaires at the io9.com meet up?
2009.11.17 - New
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
2009.11.12 - New
Please fill-out the :F:L:I:M:S:I:P:L:A:S:T: :D:A:T:A:B:A:S:E: Questionaire?
Please fill-out the 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' Questionaire?
What happened when %20 handed out nine copies w/ questionnaires at the io9.com meet up?
2009.10.18 - Updated
Reviews of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
2009.10.14 - Updated
What happened when %20 replied to the Maxim Magazine request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
2009.09.26 - Updated
What happened when %20 replied to the Maxim Magazine request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
2009.09.25 - Updated
What happened when %20 replied to the Maxim Magazine request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
2009.09.24 - Updated
What happened when %20 link contacted the bloggin' backstrokers on Sept. 24 to honor past Media Premieres?
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
2009.09.22 - Updated
Is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' a Video MixTape (VMT)?
2009.09.18 - Updated
What are the DVD Chapter titles?
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
2009.09.16 - Updated
What happened when %20 replied to the Epoch Times request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
2009.09.15 - Updated
tBSWM Subway Posters
2009.09.13 - Updated
What happened when %20 replied to the Epoch Times request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
2009.09.03 - Updated
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
2009.09.02 - Updated
What happened when %20 replied to the Maxim Magazine request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
2009.08.29 - New
What happened when %20 asked the ForceCast to review 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What happened when %20 replied to the Maxim Magazine request for information on 'Fan Edits'?
2009.08.19 - Update
tBSWM Wallpaper
2009.07.30 - Update
Public Assignments - DVD mules WANTED 4 S.D.C.C.
Public Assignments - Order 725
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
2009.07.19 - New
Public Assignments - DVD mules WANTED 4 S.D.C.C.
2009.07.13 - New
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
What happened when %20 asked the label Illegal Art to release 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
2009.07.04 - New
What material missed being incorporated into "Thee Backslacpkping With Media' but you should check out anyway?
2009.07.01 - New
What is the significance of the Preservation Quote in Trailer 00a?
What are the DVD Chapter titles?
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
Public Assignments - Order 725
2009.06.22 - New
What happened when %20 took 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' to the Open Video Conference?
How has the 'Support Creatives' initiative helped the creator of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What is the designation of 'SC' (Support Creatives) for?
Why is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' not in the LucasFilm Ltd. Star Wars fan movie library?
What are the DVD Chapter titles?
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
Fixed some typos.
2009.06.17 - New
What is a NoA? (Notification of Appropriation) How are they received?
Fixed some broken links.
2009.06.16 - New
How can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be rented or bought?
How was 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' released?
2009.06.13 - Updated
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
Reviews of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
2009.06.11 - Updated
How was 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' released?
Fixed some random errors here and there.
2009.06.10 - New
Chapter of the Week - Viewing Schedule - 2009.05 thru 2010.05
2009.06.09 - Updated
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
What does the DVD Cover & Disc look like?
2009.06.06 - Updated
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be watched/downloaded?
How was 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' released?
2009.06.03 - New
Please Help Celebrate Annual 'End of Recording' June 4th Backslacpkping Giving/Selling Day?
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
2009.05.23 - Update
Where is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' being discussed on the tubes of Thee internets?
2009.05.07 - New
Reviews of 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' was produced for the memory/dedication of?
2009.04.30 - New
Why is 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' not in the LucasFilm Ltd. Star Wars fan movie library?
Is it true that 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' is a StarWars-sploitation film?
What material was used in "Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What material missed being incorporated into "Thee Backslacpkping With Media' but you should check out anyway?
2009.04.26 - Update
Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be watched/downloaded?
What are the DVD Chapter titles?
2009.04.17 - Update
Where can 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' be watched/downloaded?
Help for downloading/recompiling/expanding/burning 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
What have people said about 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media'?
How do you pronounce 'Backslacpkping'?
How long did the production of "Thee Backslacpkping With Media' take?
How was 'Thee Backslacpkping With Media' released?
2009.04.01 - First Release