U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. 20535 October 25, 2010 MR. PETER A. LOPEZ **OMITTED** FOIPA Request No.: 1156112- OOO Subject: OPERATION D-ELITE/DOCUMENTS PRECEDING THE OPERATION AND ARRESTS Dear Mr. Lopez: X This acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request to the FBI. The FOIPA number listed above has been assigned to your request. O For an accurate search of our records, please provide the complete name, alias, date and place of birth for the subject of your request. Any other specific data you could provide such as prior addresses, or employment information would also be helpful. If your subject is deceased, please include date and proof of death. O To make sure information about you is not released to someone else, we require your notarized signature or, in place of a notarized signature, a declaration pursuant 28 U.S.C. § 1746. For your convenience, the reverse side of this letter contains a form which may be used for this purpose. O lf you want the FBl’s Criminal Justice information System (CJIS) to perform a search for your arrest record, please follow the enclosed instructions in Attorney General Order 556-73. You must submit fingerprint impressions so a comparison can be made with the records kept by CJIS. This is to make sure your information is not released to an unauthorized person. X We are searching the indices to our Central Records System for the information you requested, and will inform you of the results as soon as possible. O Processing delays have been caused by the large number of requests received by the FBI. We wiil process your request(s) as soon as possible. Your request has been assigned the number indicated above. Please use this number in all correspondence with us. Your patience is appreciated. Very truly yours, David M. Hardy Section Chief, Record/Information Dissemination Section Records Management Division