O F F I C I A L U S E O N L Y DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ICE REPORT OF INVESTIGATION CONTINUATION PAGE 5 CASE NUMBER **REDACTED (b)(2)High, (k)(2)** REPORT NUMBER: 002 **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated he uses his laptop and desktop to get on the internet. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised he occasionally uses his father's computer to check his e-mail. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** does not use passwords nor usernames for his laptop and desktop. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated the same IP address is used for all computers in the house to include his laptop. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised only he and his girlfriend, **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)**, **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** use his laptop. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised his brother **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** uses his desktop to check E-Bay auctions. When asked about usage of the desktop, **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated he accounts for "99.9%" of its use. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised he uses his computers at various times during the day depending on school and work. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised he uses his laptop a lot at work. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** works several late night/early morning shifts. When the reporting Agent asked about online accounts, **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** responded by stating "where do I start?" **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised he has one account at a lot of different places. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated a lot of accounts will be found on his computer. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised he is an administrator and uploader within ET. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** uses the nick-name **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)**, as an administrator and uses the nick-name **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** as an uploader. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** believed there are eight administrators in ET. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated he talks with all of the upper level moderators and administrators. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated all of the uploaders in ET have dedicated servers they use to upload content. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** advised he uses approximately 100 other P2P networks but does not hold any positions within them. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated he obtains his content he uploads to ET from other torrent sites. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** stated torrentbytes.net is the site where he can obtain content the quickest. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** could not recall the names of any other sites. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** mostly associates with ET. **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** did not know any of the true names of ET members. Depending on who the other person is, **REDACTED (b)(6), (b)(7)c, (k)(2)** would communicate with them through IRC Instant Messenger. O F F I C I A L U S E O N L Y THIS DOCUMENT IS LOANED TO YOU FR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AND REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, ICE. AND FURTHER REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD BE REFERRED TO ICE HEADQUARTERS TOGETHER WITH A COPY OF THE DOCUMENT. ICE.000013.2011FOIA904