O F F I C I A L U S E O N L Y DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ICE REPORT OF INVESTIGATION CONTINUATION PAGE 3 CASE NUMBER **REDACTED (b)(2)High, (k)(2)** REPORT NUMBER: 024 network more than 10,000 times. Operation D-Elite is a joint investigation by ICE and the FBI as part of the Computer and Technology Crime High-Tech Response Team (CATCH), a San Diego task force of specially trained prosecutors and law enforcement officers focused on high-tech crime. Federal and state member agencies of CATCH include ICE, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the San Diego District Attorney's Office, San Diego Police Department, the San Diego Sheriff's Department, and San Diego County Probation. Andrea Sharrin, Senior Counsel for the Criminal Division's Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, prosecuted this case on behalf of the government. The Motion Picture Association of America also provided substantial assistance to this investigation Investigation Continues. UNDEVELOPED LEADS: To be determined by SAC/SD. O F F I C I A L U S E O N L Y THIS DOCUMENT IS LOANED TO YOU FR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AND REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, ICE. AND FURTHER REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD BE REFERRED TO ICE HEADQUARTERS TOGETHER WITH A COPY OF THE DOCUMENT. ICE.000035.2011FOIA904